package RPC; use Msg; use strict; use Carp; @RPC::ISA = qw(Msg); use FreezeThaw qw(freeze thaw); #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Server side sub new_server { my ($pkg, $my_host, $my_port) = @_; return $pkg->SUPER::new_server($my_host, $my_port, sub {$pkg->_login(@_)}); } sub _login { return \&_incoming_msg; } sub _incoming_msg { my ($conn, $msg, $err) = @_; return if ($err); # Need better error handling. return unless defined($msg); my ($dir, $id, @args) = thaw ($msg); my ($result, @results); if ($dir eq '>') { my $gimme = shift @args; my $sub_name = shift @args; # Incoming msg. (outgoing msg from client, that is) eval { no strict 'refs'; # Because we call the subroutine using # a symbolic reference if ($gimme eq 'a') { # Want an array back @results = &{$sub_name} (@args); } else { $result = &{$sub_name} (@args); } }; if ($@) { $msg = bless \$@, "RPC::Error"; $msg = freeze('<', $id, $msg); } elsif ($gimme eq 'a') { $msg = freeze('<', $id, @results); } else { $msg = freeze('<', $id, $result); } $conn->send_later($msg); } else { # Response to our message $conn->{rcvd}->{$id} = \@args; } } #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Client side sub connect { my ($pkg, $host, $port) = @_; my $conn = $pkg->SUPER::connect($host,$port, \&_incoming_msg); return $conn; } my $send_err = 0; sub handle_send_err { $send_err = $!; } my $g_msg_id = 0; sub rpc { my $conn = shift; my $subname = shift; $subname = (caller() . '::' . $subname) unless $subname =~ /:/; my $gimme = wantarray ? 'a' : 's'; # Array or scalar my $msg_id = ++$g_msg_id; my $serialized_msg = freeze ('>', $msg_id, $gimme, $subname, @_); # Send and Receive $conn->send_later ($serialized_msg); if ($send_err) { die "RPC Error: $!\n"; } do { Msg->event_loop(1); # Dispatch other messages until we get a response } until (exists $conn->{rcvd}->{$msg_id} || $send_err); # Dequeue message my $rl_retargs = delete $conn->{rcvd}->{$msg_id}; # ref to list if (ref($rl_retargs->[0]) eq 'RPC::Error') { die ${$rl_retargs->[0]}; } wantarray ? @$rl_retargs : $rl_retargs->[0]; } 1;