On the lighter side... The Wannabe By AmadEUS You disgust me; you stupid wannabe. Do you even know how to turn a computer on? Did your mommy and daddy buy you one for Christmas? If I ever catch you on the Information Super Highway, I will run you off the road. Look at the genius hacker go. Boy, you sure do know your way around a computer. WOW! You figured out what CPU stands for. Of course I know how to ftp. You probably can't even spell ftp. You don't know anything. What? Do you think you are a hacker just because you downloaded some programs that can figure out passwords? Well, you're not. You are nobody. You will never be a hacker and you will never be like me. I don't have to prove anything to you. I could if I wanted to though. I know all there is to know about hacking and cracking. I have always been a hacker. I was born writing my first virus. I could send you an email that would cause your computer to shut down permanently if I wanted to. I can hack into a bank computer and take as much money as I want, whenever I want. The only reason you can even get on the Internet is because I let you. I never had to learn how to hack. I could always do it. Nobody ever had to show me how to do anything so I am not going to show you. I am not a lamer like you. I am not a wannabe.