Introduction By Opic Welcome to the fourth edition of the Codebreakers Virus magazine. I am aware that this issue has been eagerly anticipated by many of you, so let me assure you that you will NOT be disappointed; I feel I can safely say that CodBrk4 is one of the most diverse virus zines you will have read, and as we embark into the realm of more advanced subject matter we will also strive to deliver to you the complete thoroughness that you have come to expect from the CodeBreakers. For those of you who have not been exposed to the CodeBreakers before we are a compact virus writing group who have dedicated ourselves to the advancement of virii, and to stimulating activity in the VX community as well as nurturing the newcomer into the VX "scene". Before I tell you what's in store for this issue let me take a moment and fill you in on what's been going on inside the CodeBreakers: You have probably already noticed that I have taken Horny Toads position as editor of this issue, and before I get boo'd off stage please let me inform you that I am only acting as temporary editor for this issue. Circumstances beyond HT's control have put him in a position where he cannot edit, compile, and direct this issue; however, he will still be editing future issues of codbrk and his regular incremental tutorial, quiz, challenge etc. still appear in this issue. On a more pleasant note I would like to announce and welcome a few new members to the CodeBreakers (in order of appearance): Kiljaeden (whose progress frightens the experts and baffles the critics) VicodinES (a newcomer to the CodeBreakers but not to the VX scene) and Lord Natas (author of the now infamous WM/Agent aka Polyposter which sends itself to Usenet newsgroups). Welcome aboard boys, we are proud to have you. Now, what can I expect from CodBrk4 Opic? Well I couldnt be more thrilled to tell you, as we have covered a broad number of topics in just about every realm of replicating code many of them brand new innovations in the field of virus writing. One of the things I've attempted to maintain in CodBrk4 is the maintenance of our "newbie friendly", layman's tutorials as well as attempting to cater to the more advanced/experienced VXer. I'm quite satisfied with this merger as I hope all of you are. On the forefront of advancement we have brought you a new Linux AND a new Unix virus respectively, an article on viruses under Macintosh OS8, the first polymorphic batch virus, two win32 viruses written in VB (!!!), script to an ONLINE virus generator, the first WM.Class virus, the first virus to use the DES encryption algorithm (in pascal), the first Windows95 compatible boot virus, a huge contribution from Landing Camel on java security and java viruses (thats right folks someone's finally done it!), and finally (and I'm sure the most anticipated) the ORIGINAL source code to Win95.CIH versions 1.2, 1.3, and "in-the-wild" v1.4!...but im sure you'd rather see for yourself then hear me rant about it all day. So without further due the CodeBreakers humbly present: CodBrk4, much pride and effort has gone into its construction. Sincerely, Opic [CodeBreakers 1998] email: