****CodBrk4 Contents Page**** INTRODUCTION: cb4001 = Introduction cb4002 = Credits ARTICLES SECTION: cb4101 = Tutorial #4: Guide To EXE Infection cb4102 = Quiz #4 cb4103 = Challenge #4 cb4104 = What is "Class Object Infection" ? cb4105 = Reverse Engineering: The Viral Approach. cb4106 = Intro to e-mail and usenet anonymity cb4107 = Identifying Windows Executables cb4108 = A Lesson In HEXadecimal cb4109 = Why Access Macro Viruses Will Never Become A Problem. cb4110 = Introductory Primer To Polymorphism in Theory and Practice cb4111 = The Only VBA Tutorial You Will Ever Need cb4112 = Artificial Intelligence and Viruses cb4113 = Ravage (aka Dodgy) background by muRPhy cb4114 = Macro Virus Tutorial: Simple Stealth cb4115 = A Further Analysis of the MDEF (E) Virus Pertaining to its Operation under System 8. cb4116 = Mos virus generator background cb4117 = Newbies Corner: You must touch it or you won't get good at it cb4118 = AVP Patching cb4119 = Brew folder info SOURCE: (codebreakers source) cb4201 = 666 Malignant v1.1 cb4202 = Basho cb4203 = W97/Class.Poppy.B cb4204 = Odessa.B cb4205 = WM/Demenz cb4206 = DEScendant cb4207 = Emotnaf v1.1 cb4208 = Win32.Stupid cb4209 = Prospero cb4210 = YeLeT v0.9 (other source) cb4301 = Win95.CIH v1.2 cb4302 = Win95.CIH v1.3 cb4303 = Win95.CIH v1.4 cb4304 = Sparse.3840 Disassembly cb4305 = GPB (poly .bat virus) cb4306 = Module (linux virus) cb4307 = VLP I (unix virus) cb4308 = Zorm-B004 cb4309 = Dodgy (aka RAVAGE BSV) cb4310 = Dementia.4218 Disassembly cb4311 = MOS2c virus generator cb4312 = MOS7c virus generator cb4313 = MOS7d virus generator cb4314 = MOS.cgi (online generator cgi) cb4315 = SOK.sh (also used in online generator) cb4316 = Win95.Mad.2736 disassembly cb4317 = vbVirus (VB5 Parasitic!) (CodeBreakers utility source codes) cb4401 = RC4 encryption program source (pascal) cb4402 = ExeIdent v1.0 source cb4403 = Vic's Simple Macro Poly (VSMP) cb4404 = VicodinES VBA String Converter INTERVIEWS: cb4501 = Interview with StealthFork (SVAT) MISC: cb4601 = In the News cb4602 = greets cb4603 = Conclusion