Yet Another Z80 Emulator by AG (yaze-ag-2.20)

yaze-ag-2.20.tar.gz is the final release of version 2.20 with the extension
to run also under the cygwin environment under windows.

yaze-ag-2.20 runs under:	Solaris (Sparc)
				Cygwin (Windows) (since V2.01)

yaze-ag-2.20 is a further developement of yaze-1.10.

How you install is described in INSTALL-2.20 !!!

What is YAZE-AG?

YAZE-AG is an excellent Z80 emulator, written in ANSI C, that works on many
Unix architectures like Solaris, OSF, FreeBSD, Linux, Mac-OS-X and the cygwin
environment (Windows). It is fast, emulates undocumented opcodes, and passes
instruction regression tests against real Z80 hardware.

| NEW in version 2 is the emulated Memory Management Unit (MMU) and the BIOS
| which supports CP/M 3.1 (or ZPM3 of Simeon Cran which is used in yaze-ag).

Yaze-ag-2.20 is a final release and I am thinking this version runs quite
stable. All known bugs are solved which are described under "Fixed Bugs" in
yaze-ag.doc (or yaze-ag_doc.html).

There are new features (against version 1.10) which are described under
"FEATURES" in yaze-ag.doc too.

"Mounting directories" in yaze-ag.doc describes the special feature to import
directories into the emulator by connecting them to CP/M drives. That way
you can easily import files into the emulator.

The other way to export/import files out/into the emulator is the "cdm"
utility (CP/M disk manager) (see man page cdm.1 or cdm(1)).

If you find an error or you miss a feature so feel free and send an email
to me.

You will find yaze-ag-2.20 under

	   it's a redirect to

Look also to INSTALL-2.20, yaze.doc, yaze-ag.doc, the README's, yaze.1 (man
yaze) and cdm.1 (man cdm).

08 June 2008
Andreas Gerlich
(University of Ulm, Germany)

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