My english is not so good, I hope you understand what I write here. --- See also yaze-ag.doc chapter "4. Some words to BOOTSYS" --- What is BOOTSYS? ================ The BOOTSYS utility relocates and places the resident and banked (if present) part in CPM3.SYS to their right places into memory and starts CP/M 3.1. Here is a part of the source of bootsys.z80: title 'BOOTSYS - CPM3.SYS 1.00' subttl Copyright (C) 2000 Andreas Gerlich page 70,132 ; BOOTSYS WILL NOT WORK ON ALL CP/M 3.1 SYSTEMS. WHY ? ; If the MOVE, XMOVE are placed in the banked part of the bios ; then it can be that this parts will be superscribed when ; bootsys+cpm3.sys are transfered to bank 0. ; Try it if this utility works under your CP/M 3 system. ; If it works you can start a new version of your ; bios (if you develop one) direct under CP/M 3.1 . ; ; Bootsys works always under CP/M 2.2 to relocate a nonbanked or a ; banked system in CPM3.SYS and start CP/M 3.1 !!! ; ; You generate a for starting CP/M 3.1 with: ; pip,cpm3.sys ; What does BOOTSYS: ================== 1. It tests if it runs on a x86 machine. (If it detect a x86 processor it execute x86-code which prints a message what BOOTSYS is and print the WWW and the FTP addresses of yaze-ag and exits.) 2. Check if CP/M vectors are present at 0000H (wboot) and 0005H (bdos). (- If present all output go direct to the conout of the bios. So this utility works also under other CP/M 3.1 systems as YAZE-AG. (Try it, I want to know if bootsys works on your cp/m-system.) - If not, bootsys try to boot CPM3.SYS in cooperation with YAZE-AG.) 3. Test if a copyright message is in the joined CPM3.SYS. (If not a message will be printed and bootsys exits.) 4. Test if CP/M 2.2 or CP/M 3.1 is running (only if cp/m vectors are present): CP/M 2.2 --> boot CPM3.SYS at once. CP/M 3.1 --> transfere all from bank 1 to bank 0 switch to bank 0 and boot CPM3.SYS. (If your Bios does not support xmove bootsys prints a message and exits.) 5. Relocate CPM3.SYS (look to bootsys.z80 on drive P: how I do it, sorry but the comments are in german language ;-)) 6. Start CP/M 3.1 by jumping into the boot routine of the bios. How do you use BOOTSYS? ======================= You generate a CPM3.COM for starting CP/M 3.1 with the following command: PIP CPM3.COM=BOOTSYS.COM,CPM3.SYS You simple append CPM3.SYS to BOOTSYS.COM. Usefull information are also in INSTALL-2.01, yaze-ag.doc, yaze.doc and README_BIOS3_Z80 (describe the files of the CP/M 3.1 bios (see drive P:) which acts as an interface to the yaze-bios (bios.c) ) ! 08 June 2008 Andreas Gerlich (University of Ulm, Germany) only text emails please: (SPAM-Account)