Examine the following two small programs. The first was written with MPW. The second is the same program written with Fantasm.


	export	Entry_Point[DS]
	export	.Entry_Point[PR]


	OScall	&OSname

	import	&OSname

	tc	&OSname.[TC],&OSname

	csect	.&OSname.[GL]

	lwz	r12,&OSname.[TC](rtoc)	# transition vector
	stw	rtoc,$14(sp)		# save caller RTOC
	lwz	r0,0(r12)			# routine address intransition vector
	lwz	rtoc,4(r12)		# get RTOC from transition vector
	mtctr	r0
	bctr				# jump to callee routine



	OS	&OSname

	bl	.&OSname.[GL]
	lwz	rtoc,$14(sp)




	li	r3,0
	tw	31,r0,r0



stk_sz	equ	$40
qd_sz	equ	206

		csect	.Entry_Point[PR]
# start

	mflr	r0			# Get link register
	stw	r0,8(sp)			# Store the link register on the stack
	stwu	sp,-stk_sz(sp)		# skip over the stack space where the caller

# Initialisation

	lwz       r3,qd[TC](rtoc)
	addic     r3,r3,qd_sz-4
	OS	InitGraf
	OS	InitFonts
	OS	InitWindows
	OS	InitMenus
	OS	TEInit
	li	r3,0
	OS	InitDialogs
	OS	InitCursor

# something to do

	lwz	r3,test1[TC](rtoc)
	lwz	r4,test2[TC](rtoc)
	li	r5,0			# don't use third and fourth parameter
	li	r6,0
	OS	ParamText

	li	r3,128			# resource ID
	li	r4,0			# no filter procedure
	OS	Alert

# bye
	lwz	r0,stk_sz+8(sp)		# Get the saved link register
	mtlr	r0			# put saved link register in link register
	addi	sp,sp,stk_sz		# Reset the stack pointer
	li	r3,0			# result
	blr				# return via the link register


		csect	Entry_Point[DS]

	dc.l	.Entry_Point[PR]
	dc.l	TOC[TC0]
	dc.l	0


		csect	qd[RW]

	align	3

	ds.b	qd_sz			# QuickDraw storage

	string	Pstring

		csect	test1[RW]

	dc.b	'a first test string'

		csect	test2[RW]

	dc.b	'a second test string'

	align	3


	OScall	InitGraf
	OScall	InitFonts
	OScall	InitWindows
	OScall	InitMenus
	OScall	TEInit
	OScall	InitDialogs
	OScall	InitCursor
	OScall	Alert
	OScall	ParamText

	tc	Entry_Point[TC],Entry_Point[DS]
	tc	qd[TC],qd[RW]
	tc	test1[TC],test1[RW]
	tc	test2[TC],test2[RW]


Now, the same program with Fantasm:

*Simple demo to show structure of Fantasm PowerPC program.

	includeh	LS_PPC_Macros.def	 *some useful macros
	includeh	general_usage.def	 *Import general purpose system calls
	ENTRY			    *Program starts here. 
	start_up			*save all the regs and set up r30 for global
	la	r3,qd(rtoc)		*normal QuickDraw init
	addic	r3,r3,206-4
	Xcall	InitGraf		*Init rest of managers
	Xcall	InitFonts     *The calls could be replaced with a call
	Xcall	InitWindows   *to int_mac
	Xcall	InitMenus
	Xcall	TEInit
	li	r3,0
	Xcall	InitDialogs
	Xcall	InitCursor

**How to use Macsbug (commented out here)
*	Xcall	Debugger
**You can also point r3 at a pascal string and call DebugStr
	lwz	r3,test1(rtoc)	*param1
	lwz	r4,test2(rtoc)	*param2
	li	r5,0		*don't use third and fourth parameters
	li	r6,0
	Xcall	ParamText	*set up text for alert box

	li	r3,128		*resource ID of alert
	li	r4,0		*no filter procedure
	Xcall	Alert		*show the alert
**Bye bye

test1:	pstring	"Not so bad"
test2:	pstring	"is it?"

**read/write data goes in BSS.
qd:	rs.b	206		*206 bytes for QD variables