include windows.inc
includelib user32.lib
includelib kernel32.lib
DllEntry proc hInstDLL:HINSTANCE, reason:DWORD,
mov eax,TRUE
DllEntry Endp
This is a dummy function
; It does nothing. I put it here to show where
you can insert functions into
; a DLL.
TestFunction proc
TestFunction endp
End DllEntry
EXPORTS TestFunction
The above program is the DLL skeleton. Every DLL must have an entrypoint function. Windows will call the entrypoint function everytime that:
You can name the entrypoint function anything you wish so long as you
have a matching END <Entrypoint function name>. This function takes
three parameters, only the first two of which are important.
hInstDLL is the module handle of
the DLL. It's not the same as the instance handle of the process.
reason can be one of the four values:
EXPORTS TestFunction
Normally you must have the first line.The LIBRARY
statement defines the internal module name of the DLL. You should match
it with the filename of the DLL.
The EXPORTS statement tells the
linker which functions in the DLL are exported, that is, callable from
other programs. In the example, we want other modules to be able to call
TestFunction, so we put its name in the EXPORTS
Another change is in the linker switch. You must put /DLL
switch and /DEF:<your def filename> in
your linker switches like this:
link /DLL /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /DEF:DLLSkeleton.def /LIBPATH:c:\masm\lib DLLSkeleton.obj
The assembler switches are the same, namely /c
/coff /Cp. So after you link the object file, you will get .dll and .lib.
The .lib is the import library which you can use to link to other programs
that use the functions in the DLL.
Next I'll show you how to use LoadLibrary to
load a DLL.
include windows.inc
includelib kernel32.lib
includelib user32.lib
LibName db "DLLSkeleton.dll",0
FunctionName db "TestHello",0
DllNotFound db "Cannot load library",0
AppName db "Load Library",0
FunctionNotFound db "TestHello function not
hLib dd ?
; the handle of the library (DLL)
TestHelloAddr dd ?
; the address of the TestHello function
invoke LoadLibrary,addr LibName
; Call LoadLibrary with the name of the desired
DLL. If the call is successful
; it will return the handle to the library
(DLL). If not, it will return NULL
; You can pass the library handle to GetProcAddress
or any function that requires
; a library handle as a parameter.
.if eax==NULL
invoke MessageBox,NULL,addr DllNotFound,addr AppName,MB_OK
mov hLib,eax
invoke GetProcAddress,hLib,addr FunctionName
; When you get the library handle, you pass
it to GetProcAddress with the address
; of the name of the function in that DLL
you want to call. It returns the address
; of the function if successful. Otherwise,
it returns NULL
; Addresses of functions don't change unless
you unload and reload the library.
; So you can put them in global variables
for future use.
.if eax==NULL
invoke MessageBox,NULL,addr FunctionNotFound,addr AppName,MB_OK
mov TestHelloAddr,eax
call [TestHelloAddr]
; Next, you can call the function with a simple
call with the variable containing
; the address of the function as the operand.
invoke FreeLibrary,hLib
; When you don't need the library anymore,
unload it with FreeLibrary.
invoke ExitProcess,NULL
end start
So you can see that using LoadLibrary is a little
more involved but it's also more flexible.