;============================================================================== ; Test Department's WINDOWS 32 BIT x86 ASSEMBLY EXAMPLE 31x ;============================================================================== Content of td_win32asm_31x.zip : ================================= read_me.txt --- this file td_id.diz --- Test Department's Websites and Email builddll.bat --- batch file for MASM32, copy it in c:\MASM32\bin directory td__310.asm --- source code of the DLL td__310.def --- required, defines the DLL filename and exported functions td__310.dll --- created DLL td__310.lib --- created LIBRARY td__310.inc --- created INCLUDE ( L2inca.exe /m td__310.lib ) td__311.asm --- source, loads a DLL and calls a function inside implicit td__311.exe --- created EXE td__312.asm --- source, loads a DLL and calls a function inside explicit td__312.exe --- created EXE