The Definitive Guide To Laying The Smack Down On School Authorities wintermute trashing school, school, social engineering, lie, steal, cheat Warning: Any info in the following article should not be taken seriously, should you decide to take anything written here into practice you shall do so at your own risk and i refuse to take any blame for this one. Some of the methods mentioned may cause a person to get serious trouble and are just theories. That said here we go.... Have you ever been sitting in class and one of the fascists employed by the state with your tax dollars do something that pissed you off? If this has happened to you, did you find yourself wanting to seek revenge? If this sounds like you, boy do I have some stunts to pull. I will first start with the simple, and less likely to get anyone in serious trouble: 1) from now on you must smart off at every given chance, you can call them names under you breath and then deny saying anything 2) you must now become arrogant when addressing school authorities--this one always pisses them off. by aroggant i mean let them know who is right, superior and in general just has a higher mental 3) verbally challenge everything they preach to be a fact from text books, this does not apply to math & science, those might be the only areas where it is harder to disprove methods and theories. 4) whenever they make a mistake in the classroom correct them with the most arrogant tone you can drawl up, this one always pisses them off. 5) when given an ultimatum take it lightly as possible and even giggle a little bit, if you haven't noticed they can't stand attitudes or arrogance from kids that are smarter than them. 6) if all else fails the next time they say they're right and you are wrong say something to the extent of "why should i listen to someone who was smart enough to finish high school, go to college (depending on what state/provinvr you live in) only to end up in high school again trying to play big boss man/lady with some teenagers". mad props: thinkzero, thehostileone, jaegar (thanx for ruining my sophomore prank), (some of the friendliest and smartest out there), doubleozip, phyrexia, BinaryZer0 (for letting me write this). Fuck you: [edited. reason: we like everyone.]