Prisons and Schools wintermute ?@?.? prison, school, anti-school, anarchist, wintermute, stuff, neat, oh la la It has come to my attention, after watching a 20/20 story, that prison society is strikingly similar to that of your average high school. Or at least mine anyway. The similarities began when the new prisoners arrived at the prison. These new prisoners where immediately alienated by the guards [teachers and other school authorities often times assume the same role] who were supposedly there for their protection only to be alienated and abused later on by their peers. These "guardians" would often turn their backs as the older more established prisoners would abuse the newer prisoners as soon as they were turned loose into general population. The new prisoners were immediately confronted by members of the different social groups, some offering protection and others threatening to pillage them unless they did as they were told [how many times does that happen at school]. The inmates who chose to conform where often times shown favoritism by guards and inmates alike just because of their affiliation to certain groups. They were given larger food rations more privileges ETC... There were a few prisoners who refused to associate themselves with any of these social groups and those few individuals who decided to attempt total autonomy where then singled out for attack by the same groups that were only a few days ago offering their protection and "friendship". All of this violence and neglect was going on while guards just stood aside and looked, pretending to be ignorant to the on-going situation. I feel that this was because the abuser(s) were prisoners who carried a lot of weight in the prisons and the guards didn't not want to get involved due to pure cower. [Where have we seen that happen before]? Then there were the prisoners who where considered troublemakers. These troublemakers were thrown into isolation for long periods of time as punishment for their transgressions. Some of them probably deserved the punishment but others where thrown in there simply because they did not conform to something they felt was not in their best interest. By now I was thinking that for these prisoners it could not get worse. Then by some "accident" the door to one of the prisoner's cells that needed to be removed from society was opened along with the door of an inmate who had simply "pissed off" a guard. The first inmate was allowed to attack the other while the guards took their time getting to the situation. As for the similarities between the two, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what these "similarities" are, some being exactly the same thing that goes on in some of our schools. Think about it... Some of the students in our schools feel that they have the right to do whatever they want to whomever they want just because they are affiliated with some organization, whether it be a sports team or just a social group. The teachers at some schools' especially mine, Will often times turn they're back or pretend to have not heard something coming out of the mouth of one of the more well known students but will not hesitate to punish and make an example of anyone else who does the same thing. I could have sworn I saw the same thing going on in that prison story.