We are humans, we will Live Jim Futrell anonymous@anonymous.anonymous society, Murchison, Futrell, science, evolution, life Mr. Murchison has a great point on the "acceleration" of technology. I agree with him that the pace of the tech gain is monumental and unprecedented in magnitude, but where he seems to miss the point of the advance in tech and science seems to be in his acceptance that Einstein is the end all and be all of the universe (speed of light..aka unchanging constant). Einstein had a "theory" of relativity. With no deference to Mr.Murchison, a theory is not a fact, or "truth". Science, like life, tends to evolve. The faster the evolution, by definition, the faster the change in science (whether it be theory or fact that is proven by peers). In other words, our understanding of the universe and it's laws will and has over time, changed. I can't help but see the parellels in the way world society saw the Ptolemaic System of earth as the center of the universe, and the way Murchison sees Einstein's theory of relativity. I'm confused as to why Murchison is suprised by change. My bet is that we as humans will learn, adapt, and survive. Jim Futrell is a freelance thinker, he only gets this way after Kodiak snuff. His glasses make him look like an idiot.