.:==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==:. :: f0rbidden knowledge issue one :: `:==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==:' .:--==--==--==--==--==--==--==-->> Contents of This Issue <<--==--==--==--==:. :: :: :: -=>Welcome<=- :: :: :: :: (x) Introduction .......................................... The Editor :: :: (x) Disclaimer ............................................ The Editor :: :: (x) Mail to f0rbidden knowledge ........................... The Readers :: :: :: :: -=>Phreaking Inpho<=- :: :: :: :: (x) Vodacom Voicemail Hacking ............................. Wyzewun :: :: (x) Phree calls on South African Coin Phones .............. Gevil :: :: (x) Call Fowarding Restriction Workaround ................. Wyzewun :: :: :: :: -=>Hacking Inpho<=- :: :: :: :: (x) How to Hack an Access Database ........................ Wyzewun :: :: (x) Hacking Nedbank is Phun ............................... Gevil :: :: (x) How to hack a Geocities-type Web Page ................. Wyzewun :: :: :: :: -=>Misc Inpho<=- :: :: :: :: (x) Phun with Windoze and ASCII ........................... Marc Satur9 :: :: (x) Fundamentals of Electronic Lockpicking ................ Wyzewun :: :: (x) Phucking over SABC is Phun ............................ Wyzewun :: :: (x) How to steal a bus .................................... Wyzewun :: :: :: :: -=(Parting Words and Credits)=- :: :: :: `:==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==:' .:--==--==--==--==--==--==-->> Introduction by the Editor <<--==--==--==--==:. :: :: :: Greetings Earthling... :: :: :: :: We've started f0rbidden knowledge as an attempt at an E-Zine that covers :: :: all aspects of today's underground culture, primarily hacking, phreaking :: :: and mindless anarchy. ;-) :: :: :: :: The SoS (Sons of Satan/Saviours of Systems) are the primary force behind :: :: this Zine and I would not have been able to make this without having such:: :: a brilliant team supporting me. :: :: :: :: The project is still in the experimental phase, but after this issue I :: :: should have a good idea of what the future of the zine is gonna be like. :: :: I would've liked to include *much* more in this issue, but I figured :: :: that I should rather release thise one, so as to get more awareness of :: :: the zine and possibly, a few articles for Issue Two. :: :: :: :: Of course, it's hard to work on a zine all by yourself, without the :: :: help of the readers. Anybody who can offer articles or distribution :: :: sites, please mail me at wyze1@syrex.co.za - I need all the help that :: :: I can get. As yet, I don't know when Issue Two will be released, but it :: :: will *definately* arrive. It will just come faster if the readers help :: :: out in any way they can. ;-) :: :: :: :: Until next time... :: :: Wyzewun :: :: :: :: wyze1@syrex.co.za :: :: www.posthuman.za.net :: :: :: `:==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==:' .:--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==>> Disclaimer <<--==--==--==--==--==--==--:. :: :: :: The SoS take no responsibility for how the information contained within :: :: this document is used. It is intended purely for educational purposes :: :: only and we do not endorse any illegal activity which could be inspired :: :: by this material. It is worthy of note for this issue that we do not :: :: bear *any* grudges against Nedbank, Vodacom or *any* Free Web Space :: :: Providers and that all information contained within which could harm :: :: these companies was intended to be purely theoretical and not ever used. :: :: :: `:==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==:' .:--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--=>> Mail from the Readers <<--==-==--==--==-:. :: :: :: Erm... yeh, this section is kinda pointless, considering that this is :: :: issue number one and we obviously have no mail, but I just wanted to be :: :: sure that you ppl know that this section _is_ here and _will_ contain :: :: all (interesting) mail from the readers. ;-) :: :: :: `:==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==:' \\..........................................................................// ::==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==:: :: Phreaking Stuff :: ::==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==:: //..........................................................................\\ .:--==--==--==--==--==-->> Vodacom VMB Hacking by Wyzewun <<--==--==--==--==:. :: :: :: Chapter One: Sending Free Voice mail :: :: :: :: A while ago, some-one discovered a bug which would allow you to send :: :: free voice mail from any vodacom phone. Let's say you wanted to send :: :: mail to (082) 123-4567, you would dial "0821211234" and when connected, :: :: press "0821234567" and you would be put through to their mailbox for :: :: free! You could also press "#" and their number to remotely access their :: :: VMB for free (If you knew the password) :: :: :: :: Vodacom, unfortunately fixed this bug, so we can't send free voice mail :: :: anymore, right? Wrong. Wyzewun discovered a workaround for this... Stop :: :: using your Voice Mail for 28 days - it will expire. Now, dial 121, :: :: press # to access anybodys VMB for phree - and then hack yourself a VMB :: :: that can *send* VoiceMail. Yes, it is easy, and VMB's with these :: :: privaleges are common. You will see as soon as you get in2 VMB hacking :: :: :: :: Chapter Two: Hacking any VoiceMailBox :: :: :: :: Right, so how do I hack a Voice Mail Box? There are lots of ways that :: :: you can, a brief list follows... :: :: :: :: 1) The best way is to enable the VMB of someone who isn't using their :: :: voicemail and has caused their box to expire :: :: :: :: 2) The default password is "1111" - most idiots will not change this. :: :: Also, try stupid things like "1234" and stuff ;-) :: :: :: :: 3) Phone up Vodacom and ask them to reset that VMB because you forgot :: :: your password. Then get in, and make everything back to normal before :: :: the user notices. This is easier than it sounds, and it's the :: :: method I used to get in2 a VMB with administrative privileges over :: :: the Vodacom VMB system! :: :: :: :: Chapter Three: Fare Ye Well :: :: :: :: Thats all for this installation of the VodaPhreak Philez, but as soon as :: :: Vodacom fix all these bugs and I find new ones I'll create a second :: :: edition. ;-) I might also include a crack for the Vodago Algorythym. :: :: :: :: All comments, phreaks or just mail to say hi should be addressed to me :: :: at wyze1@syrex.co.za - Have Phun Kidzz :: :: :: `:==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==:' .:--==--==--==--==>> Unnamed SA Phreaking Teqneek by Gevil <<--==--==--==--=:. :: :: :: Right, this phreak is based on a German Phreaking Teqneek, but has much :: :: more effect. Right, now here's how to do it in step-by-step form... :: :: :: :: 1) Find an Old Public Coin Phone on the Oldest exchange you can (It will :: :: not work on new exchanges - or new phones for that matter) :: :: :: :: 2) Phone the public phone from the public phone next to it or your cell :: :: phone. Hang up the phone that's calling and quickly answer the other :: :: one. It will say "Incoming Call: 10 minutes left" or whatever even :: :: though you are not connected. :: :: :: :: 3) Using a Tone Dialer, dial whatever number you want to call. On a new :: :: exchange, or a card phone, it will ring, but disconnect as soon as :: :: they pick up. On an old exchange... phone anyone in the world ;-) :: :: :: :: All comments should be mailed to Gevil of the SoS at gevil@hotmail.com :: :: :: `:==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==:' .:--==--==>> Vodago Call Fowarding Restrictions go b00m by Wyzewun <<--==--=:. :: :: :: Well, Vodacom have done it again. Because Vodago subscribers use the :: :: lame, cheap, pay-as-you-go system, they do not allow calls to be fowarded:: :: to anywhere other than your VMB on the Vodamail system. I have a Vodago :: :: phone and this annoyed me, but fortunately, I found a very quick, very :: :: easy workaround for this call fowarding tyranny. ;-) :: :: :: :: Let's say I want to foward my calls to (011) 435-1740 when my phone is :: :: engaged. Instead of typing in "0114351740" like Vodacom wants me to, :: :: I'll type in "+27114351740" - And there you are - The network accepts it :: :: :: :: Unfortunately, it won't let you foward *all* your calls. If you want :: :: them to all be fowarded, you'll have to set it as conditional and turn :: :: your phone off. Still, it's a nifty little trick which may come in handy :: :: one of these days... :: :: :: `:==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==:' \\..........................................................................// ::==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==:: :: Hacking Stuff :: ::==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==:: //..........................................................................\\ .:--==--==--==--==>> Hacking an Access Database by Wyzewun <<==--==--==--==-:. :: :: :: A friend of mine, Shaddow Skinhead, recently had to create an Access :: :: Database for his University and we played around quite a bit with the :: :: Security Issue, only to find that it is near to impossible to have a :: :: Secure Access Database. Here is a list of the three major security flaws :: :: in the MS Access system... :: :: :: :: 1) MS Access automatically creates a guest-guest logon which cannot be :: :: deleted. Note that although it cannot be deleted, it can have a :: :: password set for it. :: :: :: :: 2) You will find settings like "PasswordRequired" in the .ini files for :: :: Access. Create your own .ini file without these settings and then run :: :: msaccess /ini myphile.ini - Look Mom! No Password! :: :: :: :: 3) If you can run WrkGrp.Exe you can specify new Security Settings :-) :: :: :: :: Anybody else know of any wholes in MS-Access Security? If you do, mail :: :: me at wyze1@syrex.co.za :: :: :: `:==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==:' .:--==--==--==--==--==-->> How to Hack Nedbank by Gevil <<==--==--==--==--==:. :: :: :: >Yes, Gevil, I know you didn't want me to include this article in the :: :: first issue of FK, but I needed some more articles coz what we had at :: :: the moment was pretty sad. So here it is... The Nedbank ATM Hack!< :: :: :: :: Ever seen one of those Nedbank ATM's with the Touch Screen Terminals and :: :: the 3D sequence of the card going in2 the machine? Did You know that they:: :: run Windoze NT? And anything running Windoze, is waiting to be fuct with,:: :: right? So here it is... The Code to get into the Employee menu of one of :: :: those ATM's... :: :: :: :: Press Cancel Once :: :: Press Proceed Twice :: :: Enter Ten Random Digits :: :: :: :: And that's all there is to it. You'll have a couple of options which are :: :: pretty kewil, but the SoS are hoping to release ways to get in2 other, :: :: cooler options. Oh yeh, and don't mess around too much, it's possible to :: :: cause a Windows NT Blue Screen Of Death, which doesn't look good in a :: :: crowded place. ;-) :: :: :: `:==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==:' .:--==-->> How to hack a Geocities-type Web Page by Wyzewun <<--==--==--==--:. :: :: :: Do you ever wish you could hack those stupid, self-gratifying Web pages :: :: at places like Angelfire, Geocities and Tripod. Well you can, through :: :: social engineering - and it's easier than you would think. I thought of :: :: this method and tested it out on my own Angelfire page, and it worked :: :: fine, and should work at other places too. :: :: :: :: Right, so let's say there's a lame page which we would really like to :: :: kill at www.angelfire.com/ok/daniel-is-so-cool that looks something like :: :: this... :: :: :: :: "Hi, my name is Daniel and I am a computer genius. All sexy women who :: :: want my body can e-mail me at daniel@aol.com" :: :: :: :: Needless to say, Daniel deserves to die. So, we fire up our anonymous :: :: mailer and send mail to webmaster@angelfire.com that appears to be from :: :: daniel@aol.com reading something like this... :: :: :: :: "Hi, I have an e-mail only account at present, so I can't get onto the :: :: web to change the e-mail address for my account. My Angelfire page is :: :: www.angelfire.com/ok/daniel-is-so-cool, could you please change my :: :: e-mail address to daniel@beer.com" :: :: :: :: And as you've guessed by now, we've signed up for daniel@beer.com to :: :: foward to *our* e-mail address. Now, we sit and wait until they change :: :: the address, at which point we will be mailed our *new* password - thank :: :: you very much, Angelfire! :-) :: :: :: :: But please, guys, don't hack too many pages this way, lest it stop :: :: working. Just nail lame people who won't know what the phuck hit them :: :: and will never say anything. :: :: :: `:==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==:' \\..........................................................................// ::==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==:: :: Misc. Stuffenhauzen :: ::==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==--::--==:: //..........................................................................\\ .:--==--==--==--==--==>> Phun with Windoze by Marc Satur9 <<--==--==--==--==:. :: :: :: Neither Windows nor DOS can handle a long file name that ends in the :: :: carraige return character. It refuses to read or write to them. Here is :: :: a brief overview of the Carraige Return Character... :: :: :: :: ASCII Value: CR :: :: Terminal Value: Ctrl+M :: :: Hex Value: 0D :: :: :: :: So if you make a nice little C++ proggy to create 200 meg files on :: :: some-ones HD with names like "slugpigyak" they are pretty much phuct. :: :: :: :: Other ASCII characters which Windoze cannot handle are Alt+254 and :: :: Alt+255 - If you created a directory with these ASCII characters Windoze :: :: would not allow any attempts to read or write to that directory because :: :: it "does not exist" - When you want to get back in, just rename the :: :: directory under DOS with the right ASCII sequence. ;-) :: :: :: :: Any questions or comments about the first teqneek should be mailed to :: :: Wyzewun of the SoS at wyze1@syrex.co.za / Queries about the second :: :: teqneek should be mailed to Marc Satur9 of the SoS at satur9@beer.com :: :: :: `:==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==:' .:--=>> Fundamentals of Electronic Lockpicking by Wyzewun <<--==--==--==--==:. :: :: :: Allryte, first of all, this won't work on any High-Security doors, but :: :: will easily take down your average suburban electronic lock. Now, when :: :: people design doors with electronic locks, they want to take precautions :: :: against the door malfunctioning and leaving people locked in or out. :: :: :: :: This can be very simply expolited if the wires are not completely covered:: :: in metal, by simply cutting into the wire, crossing the wires, and :: :: causing a short-circuit. Most doors will work in such a way that this :: :: will cause the door to unlock and swing open. ;-) :: :: :: :: Have phun, and remember... Be Good! (efg) :: :: :: `:==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==:' .:--==--==--==--==--==--=>> Phucking over SABC by Wyzewun <<=--==--==--==--=:. :: :: :: For those of you who saw the South African Broadcasting Corporation's :: :: recent coverage of the Johannesburg 2600 meetings and the attempt by :: :: Telkom to crush the Za-Hacking scene, I'm sure you are pretty pissed off.:: :: They had "technical difficulties" which led them only to be able to show :: :: it in the normal news, only in the phucking *Xhosa* news and that version:: :: had been drastically cut, notably the stuff about ethics just wasn't :: :: there. Hmmm... is someone trying to give us a bad image? Naah. :: :: :: :: So... Next time you need to send a letter to some-one, don't re-read :: :: that file in The Anarchist's cookbook. Just write "Business Answering :: :: Service" and "Freepost No JHZ153K" on the envelope and send it off for :: :: phree... courtesy of the SABC TV Licenses Department! ;-) :: :: :: `:==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==:' .:--==--==--==--==--==--=>> How to Steal a Bus by Wyzewun <<=--==--==--==--=:. :: :: :: You may notice that South Africa has a brand new range of municipal buses:: :: which would be really great to steal. You may also notice a small silver :: :: knob that can be loc8d just above the little plate on the side of the bus:: :: that gives the maximum weight it can carry. Sometimes they break the knob:: :: off, so it might just be a hole. :: :: :: :: Now, lift the knob, insert a common ball point pen and give it a little :: :: push. The doors will swing open! Have phun and be good kidzzz! :: :: :: :: I would like to know if this works in other countries. Anyone wanna try? :: :: Mail all comments to Wyzewun of the SoS at wyze1@syrex.co.za :: :: :: `:==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==:' .:--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--=>> Thanks and Greets <<=--==--==--==--=:. :: :: :: Aleph1, cDc, Commander Crash, Corrupt SYN, CrazyGuy, Cyclotron, daemon9 :: :: Hitsquad, km, Kool4Katz, Line Noise, Nucto, Nux, Pri$m, Psycho Bob, r00t :: :: SATTI, Shaddow Skinhead, Vortexia and Zipy :: :: :: `:==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==:' .:--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--=>> Parting Words <<--==--==--==--==:. :: :: :: Well, unfortunately, that's all for now from the f0rbidden knowledge :: :: Team, but we'll be back soon with more quality philez in no time. Please :: :: remember that all comments, articles and subscription requests are :: :: welcome to be sent to any member of the SoS. The SoS are... :: :: :: :: ::-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=::=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-:: :: :: :: Marc Satur9 :: satur9@syrex.co.za :: :: :: :: Wyzewun :: wyze1@syrex.co.za :: :: :: :: Gevil :: gevil@hotmail.com :: :: :: :: Sn|PeR :: sniper@syrex.co.za :: :: :: ::=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-:: :: :: :: :: Oh yeh, and we *are* looking to recruit new members, so if any :: :: experienced hackers or phreaks in the Gauteng area would like to apply, :: :: or just want more info, mail Wyzewun or Marc Satur9 at the addys :: :: supplied above. ;-) :: :: :: :: Unteel next time, be good you feelthy leetle munkeez... :: :: :: `:==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--(EOF)--==-:'