References between 1998 and 2009

Getronics Business Continuity BV (1998-2002) Security Scans: Anoz Zorgverzekeraar CANAL+ Modus Media International Dyade Essilor Projects: ING Development of a continuity plan for two computercenters. CAK-bz Project management for BS7799 certification. Urenco Project management for BS7799 certification, IT Security Officer. B/AC Project member in a study for optimum continuity measures. ifn Finance Year 2000 disaster planning. Management Sessions: Stichting BKR Leaseconcept ABN-AMRO Bank A Security Scan assesses an organization's level of security against BS7799.
A Management Session entails a high-level discussion with the board of management to set goals for security and/or continuity.

Deloitte ERS (2003-2008) Project Leader BS7799 certification of the Deloitte CyberCentre. QA Consultant at the BS7799 project at Atos Origin MO. QA Consultant at the BS7799 project at PinkRoccade Infrastructure Solutions. QA Consultant at the BS7799 project at GlidePath. QA Consultant on IT DRP at Free Record Shop. Consultant (Risk Analysis) at NCCW. BCP Auditor at Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten. Project Leader IT DRP at ANWB. Project Leader BCP at Unilever Financefocus. Consultant (mostly audits) at an information security project at LeasePlan NL. Consultant information risk management dashboard prototyping at ING Group. Risk Analysis at The Greenery. Assistant in ISO27001 projects at KPN. ISO27001 auditor at KPN. Risk Analysis at the EDP centres of the Dutch Tax Office. Group Security Officer at Achmea.
Microsoft (2008-2009) Advisor to the project leader for ISO27001 certification at ING. Assessor of security policies for ABP. Assessor of security policies for Achmea. Consultant for Rabobank.
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