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Configuring Message Logging

You can configure:

Configuring Message Time Stamps

Messages collected in the buffer have time stamps appended to them, although time stamps are not displayed in the Console message area. Time stamps indicate when the message was issued relative to the last reboot of the terminal. Time stamps follow the format +d:hh:mm:ss (days, hours, minutes, and seconds).

Some messages may have no time stamps because the next time stamp is not written until one second has elapsed. This time interval is called the time stamp frequency.

By default, time stamps are entered every second. You can change the frequency with the diag-timestamp-frequency parameter (Setup -> Change Setup Parameters -> Diagnostics -> Timestamp Frequency). Specify the number of seconds as an integer.

Changing the Message Buffer Size

The default size of the internal buffer used for logging messages is 8,192 bytes. If you are not capturing all the messages you need, you can change the size of the buffer with the diag-buffer-size parameter (Setup -> Change Setup Parameters -> Diagnostics -> Buffer Size). Specify the number of bytes as an integer.

Enabling Extended Diagnostics

You can configure a terminal to issue more detailed messages about the following services:

The extended diagnostics parameter settings take effect immediately. Only file-extended-diagnostics is saved to NVRAM. To make the other parameter settings permanent, set them in a remote configuration file.

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