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Using Change Setup Parameters

Change Setup Parameters provides access to all terminal configuration parameters. It is especially useful for setting configuration parameters when you have a few easily accessible terminals or when users set some or all configuration parameters themselves.

Procedures for configuring terminals using Change Setup Parameters are described in the System Administrator's Guide.

By default, you access Change Setup Parameters through the Console, after the NCD terminal has booted (Setup -> Change Setup Parameters). For other ways of starting and displaying local clients and information about disabling local clients, see the System Administrator's Guide.

Components of the Change Setup Parameters Window

Change Setup Parameters is composed of a series of hide boxes, which provide access to fields that correspond to remote configuration parameters.

Change Setup Parameters has a menu bar with a File menu and a Sections menu, a messages area, and several buttons.

Contents of the Change Setup Parameters Hide Boxes

The following sections describe the contents of the Change Setup Parameters hide boxes.

The tables describing the hide box contents include a description of each field and the name of the corresponding remote configuration parameter. For the following information about parameters, see the alphabetical configuration parameter descriptions in the Remote Configuration Quick Reference:

Access Control Parameters

The parameters in the Access Control hide box control access to the terminal configuration database and other terminal functions.

Access Control Field
Corresponding Parameter
Unit Password section
Unit Global Password Password for read/write access to the Configuration, Preferences, SNMP, and File Manager daemons unit-global-password
X Server section
XDM Authentication Key Key used for authorized client connection requests (write-only) login-xdm-authentication-key
Default for Enable X Access Control Enables host-based access control by default for client connections xserver-access-control-enabled-default
Enable X Access Control Enables host-based access control for client connections xserver-access-control-enabled
X Access Control List List of authorized hosts xserver-access-control-list
Config Daemon section
Config Read-Only Password Password required for read-only access to the configuration database config-read-only-password
Config Read-Write Password Password required for read/write access to the configuration database config-read-write-password
Enforce Config Passwords Locally Requires a password to access configuration information from the terminal config-enforce-passwords-locally
Enable Config Access Control Checks remote requests for connections to the Configuration daemon against the access control list config-access-control-enabled
Config Access Control List Hosts in the Configuration daemon host access list config-access-control-list
User Preferences Daemon section
User Preferences Read-Only Password Password required for read-only access to User Preferences information config-pref-read-only-password
User Preferences Read-Write Password Password required for read/write access to the user preferences daemon config-pref-read-write-password
Enforce User Preferences Passwords Locally A password is required to access user preferences information from the terminal config-pref-enforce-passwords-locally
Console section
Console Display Password Password for displaying the Console (write-only) config-console-display-password
Enforce Console Password Locally Password for accessing the Console locally config-console-enforce-password-locally
SNMP section
SNMP Read-Only Community The first community name for SNMP requests for read-only access to configuration information snmp-read-only-community
SNMP Read-Only Alternative Community The second community name for SNMP read-only access to configuration information snmp-read-only-community-alt
Enable SNMP Read-Only Access Control Remote requests for connections to the SNMP daemon are checked against the read-only host access control list snmp-read-only-access-control-enabled
SNMP Read-Only Access Control List Hosts allowed to use an SNMP read-only community name to access configuration information snmp-read-only-access-control-list
SNMP Read-Write Community The first community name for SNMP requests for read/write access to configuration information snmp-read-write-community
SNMP Read-Write Alternative Community The second community name for SNMP read/write access to configuration information snmp-read-write-community-alt
Enable SNMP Read-Write Access Control Remote requests for connection to the SNMP daemon are checked against the read/write host access control list snmp-read-write-access-control-enabled
SNMP Read-Write Access Control List Hosts allowed to use an SNMP read/write community name to access configuration information snmp-read-write-access-control-list
Allow SNMP Reset Enables remote reset via SNMP snmp-allow-reset
SNMP Trap Monitors Hosts to which SNMP traps are sent snmp-trap-monitors
NCDnet MOP section
MOP Reset Password Password included in the MOP reset packet ncdnet-mop-reset-password
Diagnostic Daemon section
Enable Diagnostic Access Control Remote requests for access to the Diagnostic daemon are checked against the access control list diag-access-control-enabled
Diagnostic Access Control List Hosts that can access the Diagnostic daemon diag-access-control-list
NFS section
NFS Server Access Control Default Default access control policy for requests to the NFS server daemon file-nfs-access-control-default
NFS Server Access Control List Hosts that do not follow the default access control policy. file-nfs-access-control list
File Manager section
Password Password for access to the File Manager daemon file-manager-password
Enable File Manager Access Control List Enables host-based access control for remote access to the File Manager daemon file-manager-access-control-enabled
File Manager Access Control List Hosts allowed to access the File Manager daemon file-manager-access-control-list
Local Command Execution Daemon section
Enable Execution Host Access Control Access control is enabled for the Local Command Execution daemon exec-access-control-enabled
Execution Access Control List Hosts allowed to access the Local Command Execution daemon exec-access-control-list
Enable Execution User Access Control Restricts requests for local command execution to the user logged into the terminal. The NCD Display Manager must be running on the login host. exec-user-access-control
Serial and Parallel Daemon section
Serial Daemon LAT Service Passwords LAT service passwords for accessing the Serial daemon serial-daemons-lat-service-passwords
Parallel Daemon LAT Service Passwords LAT service passwords for accessing the Parallel daemon parallel-daemons-lat-service-passwords
Enable Serial and Parallel Access Control Access control is enabled for connecting to the Serial and Parallel daemons serial-access-control-enabled
Serial and Parallel Access Control List List of hosts from which the Serial and Parallel daemons can be accessed serial-access-control-list

ARP Parameters

The ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) hide box affects address resolution.

Address Resolution Protocol Field
Corresponding Parameter
Complete Entry Timeout (minutes) Number of minutes a complete ARP table entry can exist without being used tcpip-arp-complete-entry-timeout
Incomplete Entry Timeout (minutes) Number of minutes an incomplete ARP table entry can exist without being used tcpip-arp-incomplete-entry-timeout
ARP Cache ARP table used for mapping from IP addresses to physical addresses tcpip-arp-cache

Booting Parameters

The Booting hide box contains parameters that affect the Boot Monitor and X server loading.

Booting Fields
Corresponding Parameter
Boot automatically at power-up The terminal boots an X server instead of stopping in the Boot Monitor boot-automatically
Test RAM at power-up Enables RAM tests at start up boot-test-ram
Previous Source The most recent boot method (read-only) boot-previous-source
Previous Server The most recent boot server (read-only) boot-previous-server
Primary Boot Source Method to be used the next time the terminal boots boot-desired-source
Secondary Boot Source Method used for X server loading if the primary source is not available boot-second-source
Tertiary Boot Source Method used for X server loading if the primary and secondary sources are not available boot-third-source
Persist in Loading The terminal keeps trying to boot until it succeeds or is interrupted boot-persistent-loading
Default Server when PROM Booting Server for downloading configuration files and fonts when the terminal boots locally boot-default-server-when-prom-booting
Boot Monitor Inverse Video Boot Monitor displays are in inverse video boot-monitor-inverse-video
Custom File A non-standard filename for the X server boot file boot-custom-file
TCP/IP Boot Options Section
TCP/IP Desired Server Boot server to use when the boot source is TFTP or NFS boot-tcpip-desired-server
Secondary TCP/IP Server Boot server to use when the desired (primary) boot server is not available boot-tcpip-second-server
Tertiary TCP/IP Server Boot server to use when the primary and secondary boot servers are not available boot-tcpip-third-server
Try TCP/IP Unit Address File Puts an X server named for the terminal's IP address (in hexadecimal) in the terminal's booting sequence (relative pathname or prefixed by /tftpboot) boot-tcpip-unit-address-file
Try TCP/IP Unit Address with Path File boot-tcpip-unit-address-with-path-file
Try TCP/IP Product Name and Memory Size File Puts an X server named for the model and memory size (as a filename suffix) in the terminal's booting sequence (relative pathname or prefixed by /tftpboot) boot-tcpip-product-name-and-memory-size-file
Try TCP/IP Product Name and Memory Size with Path File boot-tcpip-product-name-and-memory-size-with-path-file
Try TCP/IP Product Name File Puts an X server named for the terminal model in the terminal's default booting sequence (relative pathname or prefixed by /tftpboot) boot-tcpip-product-name-file
Try TCP/IP Product Name with Path File boot-tcpip-product-name-with-path-file
Send Broadcast ICMP for Subnet Mask The terminal sends an ICMP message to determine the subnet mask at boot boot-send-broadcast-icmp-for-subnet-mask
TCP/IP Broadcast Boot Request The terminal broadcasts for an X server if the boot server does not respond boot-tcpip-broadcast-boot-request
TFTP Directory Directory to be searched for an X server when TFTP is the boot source boot-tftp-directory
NFS Directory Directory to be searched for an X server when NFS is the boot source boot-nfs-directory
NCDnet Boot Options section
Try MOP Include MOP as a boot source (DECnet networks only) boot-mop
Try MOP with File Name Include MOP as a boot source and specify a filename (DECnet networks) boot-mop-with-file-name

Browser Parameters

The parameters in the Browser hide box affect the NCD Mosaic Browser.

Browser Fields
Corresponding Parameter
General section
Browser Module Browser module loaded at boot time browser-module
Environment Variables Browser variables browser-environment
Cache Size Limit (KB) Maximum size of the memory cache browser-cache-size
Maximum TCP/IP connections Maximum number of concurrent TCP/IP connections browser-max-connections
User Preference Overrides section
Automatically load images Enables automatic loading of images when a new Web page is loaded browser-auto-load-images
Jscript/Javascript routines Enables execution of JavaScript routines when Web pages are loaded browser-jscript-active
Java applets Enables execution of Java applets when included in the Web contents browser-java-applets
Show Tool Bar Enables display of the tool bar browser-show-tool-bar
Default home page Home page loaded when the browser starts browser-home-page
Network/Proxy Settings section
HTTP Proxy Host Host that runs an HTTP proxy server browser-http-proxy-host
HTTP Proxy Host Port TCP/IP port on which the HTTP proxy server listens for connections browser-http-proxy-host-port
HTTP Proxy Overrides HTTP proxy domains that override or avoid the proxy host browser-http-proxy-overrides
FTP Proxy Host Host that runs an FTP proxy server browser-ftp-proxy-host
FTP Proxy Host Port TCP/IP port on which the FTP proxy server listens for connections browser-ftp-proxy-host-port
FTP Proxy Overrides FTP proxy domains that avoid or override the proxy host browser-ftp-proxy-overrides
Gopher Proxy Host Host that runs a gopher proxy server browser-gopher-proxy-host
Gopher Proxy Host Port TCP/IP port on which the gopher proxy server listens for connections browser-gopher-proxy-host-port
Gopher Proxy Overrides Gopher proxy domains that avoid or override the gopher proxy server browser-gopher-proxy-overrides
SOCKS Host Host that runs the SOCKS daemon browser-socks-host
SOCKS Port TCP/IP port on which the SOCKS daemon listens for connections browser-socks-port
SMTP Email Server SMTP electronic mail server host browser-smtp-email-server
Printers section
Browser Printer Table Printers available for printing from the Browser browser-printer-table

Commands and Startup Parameters

The parameters in the Commands and Startup hide box affect local client availability.

Commands and Startup Field
Corresponding Parameter
Startup Commands Commands executed when a session starts exec-startup-commands
Disabled Commands Commands users are not permitted to access exec-disabled-commands
Command Menu Contents of the window manager default root menu exec-command-menu

Configuration Parameters

The parameters in the Configuration hide box affect remote configuration files and the actions of the Configuration and Preferences daemons.

Configuration Fields
Corresponding Parameter
Initial Configuration File section
Load Initial File An initial configuration file is downloaded at boot config-load-initial-file
Persistent Loading The terminal does not boot unless a configuration file is loaded config-persistent-loading
UNIX Directory Directory searched for a configuration file config-unix-directory
VMS Directory Directory searched for a configuration file (VMS X server) config-vms-directory
Custom File Terminal loads a configuration file with a non-standard name config-custom-file
Try Unit Name as Filename The terminal's hostname is used as the filename for the initial configuration file (with or without the domain name as a suffix) config-unit-name-file
Add Domain to Unit Name as Filename config-add-domain-to-unit-name-as-filename
Try Unit Ethernet Address as Filename The terminal's Ethernet address is used as the filename for the initial configuration file config-unit-ethernet-address-file
Try Unit IP Address as Filename The terminal's IP address, in hexadecimal format, is used as the filename for the initial configuration file config-unit-ip-address-file
Use Decimal IP Address Notation as Filename The terminal's IP address (in decimal format) is used as the filename for the initial configuration file config-use-decimal-ip-address-notation-as-filename
Try Unit NCDnet Address as Filename The terminal's DECnet address is used as the filename for the initial configuration file config-unit-ncdnet-address-file
Try Generic Filename The standard configuration filename (ncd_std) is used as the filename for the initial configuration file config-generic-file
Configuration Daemon Service section
Telnet Port Number Ports and DECnet object for connections to the terminal's Configuration daemon config-telnet-port
TCP Port Number config-tcp-port
NCDnet Object Name config-ncdnet-object-name
Default File Configuration file that defines the initial terminal configuration config-default-file
Auto Save NVRAM Changes to parameters that are saved in NVRAM are automatically saved config-auto-save-nvram
Auto Save File Changes to the configuration are automatically saved to a file, the file to which the changes are saved, and the extent of the information saved config-auto-save-file
Auto Save File Name config-auto-save-file-name
Auto Saved Info config-auto-saved-info
User Preferences Daemon Service section
Telnet Port Number Ports and DECnet object for connections to the terminal's Preferences daemon config-pref-telnet-port
TCP Port Number config-pref-tcp-port
NCDnet Object Name config-pref-ncdnet-object-name

Diagnostics Parameters

The parameters in the Diagnostics hide box affect the logging of diagnostic messages and the actions of the Diagnostic daemon.

Diagnostics Field
Corresponding Parameter
Add Timestamps Adds timestamps to the diagnostic log diag-add-timestamps
Timestamp Frequency (seconds) Maximum frequency at which timestamps are added to the diagnostic log diag-timestamp-frequency
Buffer Size (bytes) Maximum size of the diagnostic log diag-buffer-size
Log File File to which diagnostic messages are written diag-log-file
Telnet Port Number Port on which the terminal listens for Telnet connections to the Diagnostic daemon diag-telnet-port
TCP Port Number Port on which the terminal listens for raw TCP connections to the Diagnostic daemon diag-tcp-port
NCDnet Object Name NCDnet object on which the terminal listens for NCDnet connections to the Diagnostic daemon (DECnet) diag-ncdnet-object-name

Display PostScript Parameters

The parameters in the Display PostScript hide box affect the Display PostScript server module. This hide box appears on HMX and Explora 700 terminals only.

Display PostScript Field
Corresponding Parameter
DPS/X resource Path Path searched for DPS/X resource files dps-resource-path

File Manager Parameters

The parameters in the File Manager hide box affect the Local File Manager.

File Manager Field
Corresponding Parameter
Telnet Port Number Port on which the terminal listens for Telnet connections to the File Manager daemon file-manager-telnet-port
TCP Port Number Port on which the terminal listens for raw TCP connections to the File Manager daemon file-manager-tcp-port
NCDnet Object Name NCDnet object on which the terminal listens for NCDnet connections to the File Manager daemon file-manager-ncdnet-object-name

File Service Parameters

The parameters in this hide box affect how the terminal accesses files located in the local file system and on network hosts.

File Service Field
Corresponding Parameter
Initial File Server 1 Primary file server at boot time for loading the initial configuration file file-initial-server-1
Initial Protocol 1 Protocol used for file access on the primary file server file-initial-protocol-1
Initial File Server 2 Secondary file server at boot time for loading the initial configuration file file-initial-server-2
Initial Protocol 2 Protocol used for file access on the secondary file server file-initial-protocol-2
Name Type for Initial TFTP Servers Type of filenames sent via TFTP from the initial file servers file-name-type-for-initial-tftp-servers
File Service Table Configuration parameters for file access on network hosts file-service-table
Extended Diagnostics The terminal generates more detailed file service diagnostic messages file-extended-diagnostics
Try All Matches on Open The terminal tries all file service table entries that match when trying to access a file file-try-all-matches-on-open
Failed Server Ignore Timeout (seconds) How long a file server that has failed due to a network timeout error is ignored file-failed-server-ignore-timeout
NFS Unmount Timeout (seconds) How long after the last reference to an NFS file service entry that the terminal notifies the server that access is no longer required file-nfs-unmount-timeout
Default VMS File Name Extension Default file extension appended to a filename when accessing a file on a file server that uses VMS-style names file-default-vms-file-name-extension
Enable Floppy Filesystem Makes the local diskette drive accessible through the Local File Manager or from another host via NFS file-enable-floppy-filesystem
Enable NFS Server Starts the NFS Server daemon at boot time to permit NFS access to the local file system from remote hosts file-enable-nfs-server
Export Directory List Export file server mount points for NFS mounts of the local file system (diskette or PCMCIA card) file-export-directory-list

Fonts Parameters

The parameters in the Fonts hide box affect how the terminal accesses fonts, both bitmap fonts and fonts supplied by the font server.

Fonts Field
Corresponding Parameter
Default Font Path Default directories in which the terminal looks for fonts xserver-default-font-path
Default Font The X server's default font xserver-default-font
Font Cache Maximum Size (bytes) Amount of memory used for font caching xserver-font-cache-max-size
Retain Font Path Across Sessions The X server retains the font path after the last client disconnects xserver-retain-font-path
Font Directory File Name Alternative filename for the fonts.dir file xserver-font-directory-file-name
Font Alias File Name Alternative filename for the fonts.aliases file. xserver-font-alias-file-name
Font Name Table Symbolic mappings between user-specified names and font path names xserver-font-path-alias-table
Font Server section
Reconnect attempts before failure Number of times to retry a font server request before declaring an error xserver-fontserver-retry-attempts
Read Timeout (seconds) How long to try reading information from a font server before declaring an error xserver-fontserver-read-timeout
Open Timeout (seconds) How long to try connecting to a font server before declaring an error xserver-fontserver-open-timeout
Reopen Timeout (seconds) Timeout before failing to reopen the font server connection xserver-fontserver-reopen-timeout

Input Devices Parameters

The parameters in the Input Devices hide box affect the functioning of input devices (such as keyboard and mouse).

Input Devices Field
Corresponding Parameter
Keyboard Type Type of keyboard in use xserver-keyboard-type
Keyboard Description File Filename of the downloadable keyboard definition file for unsupported keyboards xserver-keyboard-description-file
Write Keyboard Description File ... Writes a keyboard description file for the keyboard attached to the terminal none
Narrow Keysym Tables X11R3 two-entry keysym tables are used instead of four-entry keysym tables xserver-keyboard-narrow-keysym-tables
Local Dead Key Support Enables local dead-key processing on keyboards with this feature xserver-enable-local-dead-key-processing
Mouse Buttons Number of buttons on the mouse xserver-mouse-buttons
Input Extension Device Input extension device attached to the serial port xserver-input-extension-device
Calibrate Touch Screen Lower left and upper right coordinates of the touch screen calibration limits xserver-touchscreen-calibration limits
Light Pen Blue Flood 1
During calibration, enhances the light pen's ability to distinguish light from dark xserver-enable-local-lightpen-blue-flood
Calibrate Light Pen 1 Activates calibration mode for the light pen none

1 Explora, Explora Pro, and Explora 400/450 terminals only

IP Parameters

The parameters in the IP (Internet Protocol) hide box affect terminal communication using IP.

IP Field
Corresponding Parameter
IP Address 1 Current IP address of the terminal ip-address
IP Address At Next Boot The terminal's IP address the next time it boots ip-address-at-next-boot
Subnet Mask Subnet mask ip-subnet-mask
Broadcast Address Broadcast address used when sending broadcast packets and for recognizing broadcast packets from a non-standard broadcast address ip-broadcast-address
Initial Default
Gateway 1
Primary default IP gateway ip-initial-default-gateway-1
Initial Default
Gateway 2
Secondary default IP gateway ip-initial-default-gateway-2
Use Address Discovery IP addresses are discovered from the network ip-use-address-discovery
Use Proxy Arp Proxy ARP is used to resolve routes to hosts for which there are no routes in the IP routing table ip-use-proxy-arp
Use Router Discovery The terminal modifies its routing table based on receipt of ICMP router discovery messages ip-use-router-discovery
Use Router Solicit The terminal sends ICMP router discovery solicitation messages at boot time ip-use-router-solicit
Extended Routing Diagnostics The terminal generates more detailed diagnostic messages about IP routing ip-extended-routing-diagnostics
Default Packet Time-to-Live (seconds) Value inserted into the IP header's Time-to-Live field of datagrams originating at the terminal ip-default-packet-time-to-live
Respond to Broadcast ICMP The terminal responds to ICMP messages sent to the broadcast address ip-respond-to-broadcast-icmp
Routing Table The current routes to remote hosts and networks ip-routing-table
Equivalent IP Addresses List of IP addresses considered as originating on the same host; used to receive UDP packets from multi-homed hosts ip-equivalent-addresses

1 This field is read-only.

Java Parameters

The parameters in the Java hide box affect the Java local clients.

Java Field
Corresponding Parameter
Java Directory Directory in which Java files shipped with NCDware are installed java-directory
AppletViewer Command Java command line for starting the AppletViewer java-appletviewer-command
Cache Class File Loads Java classes shipped with NCDware and caches them in memory java-cache-class-file

LAT Parameters

The parameters in the LAT hide box affect terminal communications using the LAT (Local Area Transport) protocol.

LAT Field
Corresponding Parameter
Service Groups (list) LAT service advertisements that are added to the LAT service directory lat-service-groups
Service Directory Max Size Maximum number of entries in the LAT service directory (can only be increased from Change Setup Parameters) lat-service-directory-max-size
Connect Timeout (seconds) Elapsed time between a connection attempt and a lack of response before failure is declared lat-connect-timeout
Circuit Flush Timeout (milliseconds) Length of time input characters are queued before the terminal flushes data by sending a packet to the host lat-circuit-flush-timeout
Keepalive Timeout (seconds) Length of time an established connection is inactive before a keepalive packet is sent lat-keepalive-timeout
Retransmission Timeout (milliseconds) Elapsed time between retransmissions of LAT data packets on an established connection lat-retransmission-timeout
Retransmission Limit Number of times a LAT packet is retransmitted before the connection is considered a failure lat-retransmission-limit

Licenses Parameters

The parameters in the Licenses hide box affect the allocation of licenses.

Licenses Fields
Corresponding Parameter
License Key License key for licensed software features unit-license-key
License Agents IP addresses of the hosts on which license server agents are running unit-license-agents
License Agent Port Number UDP port on which the license server listens unit-license-agent-port
Transaction Timeout (seconds) How long the terminal waits for a reply from the license agent unit-license-agent-timeout
Maximum Retries Maximum number of times the terminal tries to get a license from the proxy license server unit-license-agent-retries
Licensed Features Features currently licensed on the terminal (read-only) unit-licensed-features
Optional Features Optional software enabled for the terminal unit-optional-features

Loadable Modules Parameters

The parameters in the Loadable Modules hide box affect the loading of X server modules.

Loadable Modules Fields
Corresponding Parameter
Loadable Modules Directory Directory containing the loadable modules modules-directory
Load Policy When modules are loaded or if a module is disabled modules-load-policy

Login Parameters

The parameters in the Login hide box affect login through XDM and DECwindows.

Login Field
Corresponding Parameter
Default Hosts Hosts listed in the Login Chooser login-default-hosts
Restrict Host Choices User is restricted to selecting a login host from those listed in the Login Chooser login-restrict-host-choices
Disabled Networks Limits network connections for terminals on both TCP/IP and DECnet networks login-disabled-networks
Window Delay Time (seconds) How long the terminal waits before displaying the login window when starting the login client from a command line login-window-delay-time
XDM section
XDM Manufacturer Display ID The XDM manufacturer display ID (read-only) none
XDM Display Class The XDMCP display class login-xdm-display-class
Begin Sending Keepalives after (minutes) Length of time between keepalives sent to verify that the XDM session host is still running login-xdm-keepalives-begin-time
Wait for Keepalive Responses for (seconds) Elapsed time from the start of XDM dead session testing with no response from the login host before a failure is declared login-xdm-keepalives-wait-time
Wait for Broadcasts for (seconds) How long the terminal waits for responses to the XDM broadcast query before displaying the results to the user in the Login Chooser login-xdm-broadcast-wait-time
What to do with XDMCP Broadcasts How the terminal responds to XDM broadcasts login-xdm-broadcasts
What to do with XDMCP Indirects How the terminal responds to XDM indirect queries login-xdm-indirects
What to do when XDM disconnects Action taken when the host XDM program disconnects from the terminal login-xdm-action-on-disconnect
DWLOGIN section
Login Name Login account name for invoking the VMS DECwindows login banner login-dwlogin-name
Login Password Login account password for invoking the VMS DECwindows login banner login-dwlogin-password
NCDDM section
NCD Display Manager Enabled NCD Display Manager is queried for user-specific information login-ncddm-enabled
NCD Display Manager TCP Port Number TCP port on which the NCD Display Manager listens for requests login-ncddm-tcp-port

NCDnet Parameters

The parameters in the NCDnet hide box affect terminals in a DECnet network.

NCDnet Field
Corresponding Parameter
NCDnet Address The terminal's current DECnet address ncdnet-address
NCDnet Address At Next Boot The DECnet address the next time the terminal boots ncdnet-address-at-next-boot
Default Router Address or symbolic name of the default router ncdnet-default-router
Connect Timeout (seconds) Length of time that must elapse between a connection attempt and a lack of response before failure is declared ncdnet-connect-timeout
Retransmission Limit Number of attempts to retransmit data on an established connection before a failure is declared ncdnet-retransmission-limit
Keepalive Timeout (seconds) Length of time the terminal remains inactive on an established connection before a keepalive packet is sent ncdnet-keepalive-timeout
Hello Timeout (seconds) Length of time between successive transmissions of Hello packets ncdnet-hello-timeout
Router Timeout (seconds) Length of time after a Router Hello message is received that the sending router is used as the default router ncdnet-router-timeout
User Account Name Account name used in connection attempts ncdnet-user-account-name
MOP Identify Timeout (seconds) Length of time between transmissions of MOP identify packets ncdnet-mop-identify-timeout
Allow MOP Reset Allows remote reboot via MOP ncdnet-mop-allow-reset

NCDnet Name Service Parameters

The parameters in the NCDnet Name Service hide box affect the NCDnet (DECnet) name service.

NCDnet Name Service Field
Corresponding Parameter
Name Cache Max Size Maximum number of entries in the terminal's name cache ncdnet-name-cache-max-size
Name Cache Max Lifetime (seconds) How long a name service entry is used before being automatically deleted ncdnet-name-cache-max-lifetime
Local Name Cache Hostnames, NCDnet addresses, and address lifetimes for the local name cache ncdnet-name-local-cache
Name Server Transaction Timeout How long the terminal attempts a name service request before a failure is declared ncdnet-name-server-transaction-timeout
Name Servers List of name servers ncdnet-name-servers

Network Interfaces Parameters

The parameters in the Network Interfaces hide box affect the terminal's network interfaces.

Network Interfaces Field
Corresponding Parameter
Use SNAP (802.2 LLC) Encapsulation on Ethernet The terminal sends Ethernet packets using SNAP encapsulation net-ethernet-snap-encapsulation
Token-Ring Speed Speed at which the Token-Ring interface runs net-token-ring-speed
Roaming Condition 1 Speed at which wireless terminals roam from one access point to another net-roaming-condition
Domain Channel 1 Domain number for wireless terminals net-domain-channel

1 Explora 400/450 terminals only

Parallel Parameters

The Parallel hide box lists the attributes of the Parallel Daemon.

Parallel Field
Corresponding Parameter
Parallel Daemons Table Table listing the current characteristics of the Parallel daemon(s) parallel-daemons-table

PEX Parameters

The parameters in the PEX hide box govern characteristics of the PEX extension. For other PEX parameters, see "PEX Color Parameters" and the PEX hide box in the Change User Preferences client. This hide box appears on HMX and Explora 700 terminals only.

PEX Field
Corresponding Parameter
Maximum Model Clip Planes Maximum number of half-spaces that can be defined for model clipping pex-max-model-clip-planes
Maximum Non-Ambient Lights Maximum number of non-ambient light sources that can be defined pex-max-non-ambient-lights
Maximum Nameset Names Maximum number (a power of two) of NameSet names (identifiers) that can be defined pex-max-nameset-names

PEX Color Parameters

The parameters in the PEX Color hide box govern monitor reference luminance and chromaticity. For other PEX parameters, see "PEX Parameters" and the PEX hide box in the Change User Preferences client. This hide box appears on HMX and Explora 700 terminals only.

PEX Color Field
Corresponding Parameter
Reference Red Chromaticity (u') The u' CIE-chromaticity coordinate for the red color component of a properly adjusted monitor pex-monitor-reference-red-u
Reference Red Chromaticity (v') The v' CIE-chromaticity coordinate for the red color component of a properly adjusted monitor pex-monitor-reference-red-v
Reference Red Luminance (Y) The Y CIE-luminance coordinate for the red color component of a properly adjusted monitor pex-monitor-reference-red-y
Reference Green Chromaticity (u') The u' CIE-chromaticity coordinate for the green color component of a properly adjusted monitor pex-monitor-reference-green-u
Reference Green Chromaticity (v') The v' CIE-chromaticity coordinate for the green color component of a properly adjusted monitor pex-monitor-reference-green-v
Reference Green Luminance (Y) The Y CIE-luminance coordinate for the green color component of a properly adjusted monitor pex-monitor-reference-green-y
Reference Blue Chromaticity (u') The u' CIE-chromaticity coordinate for the blue color component of a properly adjusted monitor pex-monitor-reference-blue-u
Reference Blue Chromaticity (v') The v' CIE-chromaticity coordinate for the blue color component of a properly adjusted monitor pex-monitor-reference-blue-v
Reference Blue Luminance (Y) The Y CIE-luminance coordinate for the blue color component of a properly adjusted monitor pex-monitor-reference-blue-y
Reference White Chromaticity (u') The u' CIE-chromaticity coordinate for the white color component of a properly adjusted monitor pex-monitor-reference-
Reference White Chromaticity (v') The v' CIE-chromaticity coordinate for the white color component of a properly adjusted monitor pex-monitor-reference-white-v
Reference White Luminance (Y) The Y CIE-luminance coordinate for the white color component of a properly adjusted monitor pex-monitor-reference-white-y

PPP and SLIP Parameters

The parameters in the PPP and SLIP hide box affect terminal communications using the PPP and SLIP protocols.

PPP and SLIP Field
Corresponding Parameter
PPP and SLIP Interfaces Table PPP and SLIP configuration parameters ppp-slip-interfaces-table
PPP Interfaces Table PPP configuration parameters ppp-interfaces-table

Serial Parameters

The parameters in the Serial hide box affect the serial port(s) and Serial daemon.

Serial Field
Corresponding Parameter
Serial Interfaces Table Serial port parameters serial-interfaces-table
Serial Daemons Table Serial daemon parameters serial-daemons-table

TCP Parameters

The parameters in the TCP hide box affect terminal communications using the TCP protocol.

Transmission Control Protocol Field
Corresponding Parameter
Receive Buffer Size (bytes) Bytes of received data that a TCP connection can buffer in the terminal tcp-receive-buffer-size
Send Buffer Size (bytes) Bytes of data awaiting transmission that the TCP connection can buffer in the terminal tcp-send-buffer-size
Connect Timeout (seconds) Length of time that must elapse before a TCP connection attempt is declared a failure for lack of response tcp-connect-timeout
Maximum Retransmissions Number of retransmissions before a failure is declared tcp-max-retransmissions
Keepalive Idle Time (seconds) Length of time that must elapse on an established connection with no activity before a keepalive packet is generated tcp-keepalive-idle-time
Keepalive Interval (seconds) Length of time that must elapse between successive transmissions of keepalive packets tcp-keepalive-interval
Maximum Keepalive Idle Time (seconds) Duration of keepalive transmissions without response before a failure is declared tcp-max-keepalive-idle-time
Default Linger Time (seconds) Length of time during which TCP continues to transmit outstanding data on the connections transmit queue after local software closes the connection tcp-default-linger-time

TCP/IP Name Service Parameters

The parameters in the TCP/IP Name Service hide box affect the DNS and IEN 116 name services.

TCP/IP Name Service Field
Corresponding Parameter
Name Cache Max Size Maximum number of entries in the name cache tcpip-name-cache-max-size
Name Cache Max Lifetime (seconds) How long a name service entry is used before it is automatically deleted tcpip-name-cache-max-lifetime
Ignore Case on TCP/IP Name Cache Lookups Specifies that case is ignored when searching for a name in the local name cache tcpip-name-cache
Local Name Cache The terminal's name service cache tcpip-name-local-cache
Name Server Protocol Name server protocol used when contacting name servers tcpip-name-server-protocol
Name Server Retransmission Timeout (seconds) How long a name service retransmission is attempted before a failure is declared tcpip-name-server-retransmission-timeout
Name Server Transaction Timeout (seconds) How long a name service request is attempted before a failure is declared tcpip-name-server-transaction-timeout
Name Servers List of name servers tcpip-name-servers
DNS Default Domain Default domain for DNS name service requests tcpip-dns-default-domain
DNS Domain Search Successively wider searches of the name space are made when attempting to resolve a name with DNS tcpip-dns-domain-search

Time Parameters

The Time hide box contains parameters that affect the terminal's communication with a time server.

Time Field
Corresponding Parameters
Time Server The hostname or IP address of a host supplying current time from UDP port 37 time-server
Time Server Timeout (seconds) How long the terminal waits for a reply from the time server time-server-timeout
Time Server Retries Maximum number of attempts to contact the time server time-server-retries
Timezone Name of the zone file for the terminal's location time-zone
Offset from Greenwich Mean Time (minutes) Offset from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) time-offset-from-gmt

Unit Parameters

The Unit hide box contains parameters that provide information about miscellaneous terminal attributes.

Unit Field
Corresponding Parameter
Query for Unit Name at Boot The terminal requests its hostname at boot time. unit-query-for-name-at-boot
Unit Name The terminal's hostname unit-name
Physical Location The physical location of the terminal unit-location
Administrative Contact Person in charge of the terminal unit-contact
Administrative Status Administrative status of the terminal unit-administrative-status
Show Low Memory Warning Box at (bytes) Threshold for displaying the Low Memory warning popup unit-low-memory-level

Video Parameters

The parameters in the Video hide box affect viewing videos on the terminal. This hide box appears on HMX and Explora 700 terminals only.

Video Field
Corresponding Parameters
Fast MPEG decoder (requires license) Use the CompCore fast MPEG video decoder instead of the Berkeley decoder video-fast-mpeg-decoder
Starworks volume file Filename of the StarWorks volume information file video-starworks-volume-file

VT320 Terminal Emulation Parameters

The parameters in the VT320 Terminal Emulation hide box affect login through terminal emulation.

VT320 Terminal Emulation Field
Corresponding Parameters
Default Hosts Hosts listed in the Terminal Host Chooser term-default-hosts
Restrict Host Choices User is restricted to the hosts listed in the Terminal Host Chooser term-restrict-host-choices
Delay LAT Display after Boot (seconds) How long after rebooting to display the Terminal Host LAT Chooser term-delay-lat-display
Terminal Default Connect Timeout (seconds) How long the terminal emulator attempts to establish a connection before declaring an error term-default-connect-timeout

WinCenter Parameters

The parameters in the WinCenter hide box affect characteristics of WinCenter when WinCenter is invoked by XDM or a remote shell command with no overriding arguments.

Wincenter Field
Corresponding Parameters
Use WinCenter Colors Action taken to control colormap flash when using WinCenter and NCDware wincenter-colors
Window Size Size of the WinCenter window wincenter-resources (Wincenter resources of the RESOURCE_MANAGER root window property)
Number of colors Number of WinCenter colors or TrueColor
Audio Enabled Enables audio

X and Graphics Parameters

The parameters in the X and Graphics hide box affect X attributes.

X and Graphics Field
Corresponding Parameter
Disabled X Extensions X extensions that should be made unavailable xserver-disabled-extensions
Retain X Settings Across Sessions The X server retains the settings of the resource database, keyboard, mouse, and screen saver when the last client disconnects xserver-retain-x-settings
Arc Cache Maximum Size Amount of memory used for arc caching xserver-arc-cache-max-size
RGB File Filename of the color database xserver-rgb-file
Keysym File Filename of the keysym database used by local clients xserver-keysym-file
Default Visual The terminal's default visual. If Wincenter -> Use WinCenter Colors is enabled, it allocates the entries in this table. xserver-default-visual
Default Colormap Initial contents of the default color map. If Wincenter -> Use WinCenter Colors is enabled, it allocates the entries in this table. xserver-default-colormap
Black Pixel Value reported as BlackPixel on grayscale and color monitors xserver-black-pixel
White Pixel Value reported as WhitePixel on grayscale and color monitors xserver-white-pixel

XRemote Parameters

The parameters in the XRemote hide box affect the use of XRemote.

XRemote Field
Corresponding Parameters
Data Compression Mode Compression method for XRemote data packets xremote-data-compression-mode
Authorize XRemote Clients XRemote clients are authenticated xremote-authorize-xremote-clients
Additional Escape Chars Additional escape characters, besides those in the pre-defined list, are defined xremote-additional-escape-chars
Allow XRemote TCP Connection XRemote/TCP connections are allowed xremote-allow-xremotetcp-connection
TCP Port Number TCP port on which the terminal listens for XRemote connections xremote-tcp-port

3270 Terminal Emulation Parameters

The parameters in the 3270 Terminal Emulation hide box affect the use of the 3270 terminal emulator.

3270 Terminal Emulation Field
Corresponding Parameters
Enable 3270 Terminal Emulation Enables 3270 emulation ncd3270-enable-3270-emulation
NCD3270 Default Protocol Default connection protocol ncd3270-default-protocol
NCD3270 Default Model Default 3270 model type ncd3270-default-model
TN3270 Default Host Default host for TN3270 connections ncd3270-tn-default-host
TN3270 Default tcp Port Default TCP port for TN3270 connections ncd3270-pu21-default-port
PU2.1 Default Host Default host for Brixton PU2.1 connections ncd3270-pu21-default-host
PU2.1 Default tcp Port Default TCP port for Brixton PU2.1 connections ncd3270-pu21-default-port
EHLLAPI A Default tcp Port Default TCP port for EHLLAPI connections ncd270-ehllapia-default-port
Default Hosts Hosts presented by default in the 3270 Host Chooser ncd3270-default-hosts

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