X Server Messages
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CONFIGD Messages
CONFIGD messages pertain to the Configuration daemon. If you are looking for a message that refers to the CONFIGD module but does not appear here, refer to "Messages Common to All Modules".
BADADDROUTE, can't add route: message
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The X server cannot add the requested route, perhaps due to
low memory.
- User Action:
- Verify the terminal has enough memory to perform the
operation. If there is sufficient memory, and the message appears repeatedly,
please contact NCD Technical Support.
BADCREATE, error creating row parameter[row#]field: string
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The Configuration daemon cannot add the requested table
entry to the specified parameter at the designated row. This situation usually
occurs when the row number in the entry is incorrect.
- User Action:
- Verify that the correct row is specified when adding information
to a parameter table. To add a row to the end of a table, use the index
number -1.
BADDELETE, error deleting row parameter[row#]field: string
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The Configuration daemon cannot delete the requested table
entry from the specified parameter. This usually occurs when the row number
in the entry is incorrect for the given parameter.
- User Action:
- Verify that the correct row is specified when removing
information from a parameter table.
BADMTESVRPROTO, network server doesn't match file transfer protocol protocol
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The Configuration daemon expected to use the specified file
transfer protocol, but the specified network (such as TCP/IP or DECnet) does
not support that protocol. This message appears only at boot time.
- User Action:
- Verify the initial file protocols are established correctly for the
system(s) providing boot services.
BADPARAM, line n: unknown parameter parameter
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The Configuration daemon does not recognize the specified
parameter that appears at the specified line in the configuration file.
- User Action:
BADPASSWD, incorrect password entered
- Severity:
- Warning
- Explanation:
- The password that has been entered for the Configuration
daemon is incorrect.
- User Action:
- Confirm that the password is correct for access to the terminal's
configuration information.
BADSET, error setting parameter parameter: message
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The X server cannot set the specified parameter for the reason
- User Action:
- If you encounter this message, please contact NCD Technical
BADVALUE, line n: value value is invalid for parameter parameter
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The value specified for the parameter on the given line is
incorrect. This message usually occurs when the parameter accepts only
specific choices and the value entered is not one of the acceptable choices.
- User Action:
- Verify the acceptable values for the specified parameter.
CLASSLOAD, loading java class file into memory
- Severity:
- Information
- Explanation:
- The Java class files are being loaded.
- User Action:
- None
CLASSLOADFAIL, failed to cache java class file into memory: reason
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The classes.zip file could not be loaded into memory. This would
improve Java performance.
- User Action:
- Make sure the terminal has enough memory and that the file is
accessible through the file service table.
DIRNAMETOOLONG, directory name directory is too long
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The specified directory name exceeds the maximum acceptable
length for directory names.
- User Action:
- Keep the directory name to 255 or fewer characters. If necessary,
assign a logical on the host system so that the name is within the acceptable
DOMAIN, DNS default domain name for this unit: domain_name
- Severity:
- Information
- Explanation:
- The X server is using the specified domain for this terminal.
- User Action:
- None
FORMATFAILED, failed to format filesystem_name filesystem
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The X server cannot format the specified file system as
- User Action:
- If you encounter this message, please contact NCD Technical
FORMATSUCCESS, successfully formatted filesystem_name filesystem
- Severity:
- Information
- Explanation:
- The X server successfully formatted the specified file system as
- User Action:
- None
FORMATTING, formatting filesystem_name filesystem
- Severity:
- Information
- Explanation:
- The X server is formatting the specified file system as requested.
- User Action:
- None
GATEWAYBADNET, gateway nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn is not on local net
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The specified gateway does not reside on the local network.
- User Action:
- Correct the gateway address.
GETONLY, line n: parameter parameter is get-only
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The specified parameter on the given line has read-only access;
it cannot be changed to a different value.
- User Action:
- To change the value of the parameter, first remove the get-only
protection, reboot the terminal, then change the parameter's value.
HOSTNAME, hostname for this unit: hostname
- Severity:
- Information
- Explanation:
- The X server is using the specified hostname for the terminal.
- User Action:
- None
INVPARAM, invalid table parameter for operation at line n
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The user selected an invalid or protected table parameter at
line n.
- User Action:
- Verify the line number of the desired parameter.
IPADDR, IP address for this unit: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
- Severity:
- Information
- Explanation:
- The X server is using the specified IP address for the terminal.
- User Action:
- None
MOUNTFAILED, failed to mount filesystem_name filesystem
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The X server cannot mount the specified file system.
- User Action:
- If you encounter this message, please contact NCD Technical
NCDNETADDR, NCDnet address for this unit: aa.nnnn
- Severity:
- Information
- Explanation:
- The X server is using the specified DECnet address for the
- User Action:
- None
NOACCESS, can't perform operation with current access level
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- A user with read-only access attempted to perform an
operation requiring write access. For example, the user tried to change a
parameter's value or write information to NVRAM.
- User Action:
- Verify that the user has the appropriate level of access.
NOCLIENTDISABLE, local client client can not be disabled
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The specified local client cannot be disabled.
- User Action:
- Verify that the name of the specified local client is correct.
NOCTRLSOCK, unable to connect to protocol control socket
- Severity:
- Fatal
- Explanation:
- The X server has detected an internal error when connecting to
the specified control socket.
- User Action:
- If you encounter this message, please contact NCD Technical
NODFLTFILE, no default file defined
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The X server cannot read the default configuration file as
- User Action:
- Verify that the terminal's configuration database specifies a
default configuration file.
NOFILESSELECTED, no file names selected
- Severity:
- Warning
- Explanation:
- The X server is configured to load an initial configuration file,
but none of the possible configuration filenames is enabled.
- User Action:
- Enable the appropriate configuration filename parameter.
NOINITFILE, could not read any initial file
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The X server attempted to read all enabled configuration
filenames but could not read any of them.
- User Action:
- Verify that:
NOIPHOSTNAME, unable to find host name for IP address nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
- Severity:
- Warning
- Explanation:
- The Configuration daemon cannot find the network name of the
system or terminal specified by the IP address.
- User Action:
- Verify that:
NOIPLOOPBACK, unable to set interface address for inet loopback: message
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The X server cannot set the Internet loopback address.
- User Action:
- If you encounter this message, please contact NCD Technical
NOIPNETWORK, unable to set IP address, IP interface disabled message
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The message should either be empty or "address in use by
another host."
- User Action:
- If the message is "address in use by another host," please
contact NCD Technical Support. Otherwise, no action is needed.
NOLATGROUP, unable to set LAT group codes: message
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The X server cannot set up the terminal as part of a LAT service
group as requested.
- User Action:
- If you encounter this message, please contact NCD Technical
NOLOCALCONFIG, no config file on local file system, trying network
- Severity:
- Information
- Explanation:
- The X server cannot locate a configuration file on the local file
system, so it is trying to locate one on the network.
- User Action:
- None
NOMULTICAST, unable to set protocol multicast address: message
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The X server cannot set the multicast address for the specified
protocol as requested.
- User Action:
- If you encounter this message, please contact NCD Technical
NONCDNETHOSTNAME, unable to find host name for NCDnet address: aa.nnnn
- Severity:
- Warning
- Explanation:
- The Configuration daemon cannot find the network name of
the node specified by the DECnet address.
- User Action:
- Verify that:
NONET, no network interfaces have been enabled
- Severity:
- Warning
- Explanation:
- The X server expects to communicate via a network or over a
serial line, but the terminal is not configured for communications via a
network or for communications over a serial line.
- User Action:
- Configure the terminal for network or serial communications. If
you require assistance, please contact NCD Technical Support.
NOPASSWDS, no passwords configured, denying access
- Severity:
- Warning
- Explanation:
- The terminal does not have read/write or read-only passwords
specified for access to the terminal's Configuration daemon and therefore is
denying access to the configuration information.
- User Action:
- Establish a read/write or read-only password for the terminal.
NOROW, row n does not exist
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The specified row does not exist for a parameter that is being
- User Action:
- Verify the row numbers of the desired parameter.
NOSUCHCLIENT, no such local client client
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The specified client does not exist.
- User Action:
- Verify that the name of the client is correct.
NOTIME, unable to get current time from IP_address of time server
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The time server did not respond, so the internal clock was not
set. Could affect Java applications and other applications that rely on the
correct time.
- User Action:
- Check the configuration of the terminal's time parameters.
Check the network connection to the time server and the host's configuration.
NVRAMTSS, length exceeds available NVRAM space by n characters
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The string value entered exceeds the amount of optional string
space available in NVRAM by the specified number of characters.
- User Action:
- Either shorten the value assigned to the parameter you are
modifying, or review the other values held in optional string space in NVRAM
and shorten one of them so that the new value will fit.
OKPASSWD, correct access_level password entered
- Severity:
- Information
- Explanation:
- The correct password has been entered for the specified level of
access; that is, either read-only or read/write access.
- User Action:
- None
OPENFAILED, failed to open filesystem_name filesystem for verification
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The X server cannot open the specified file system as requested.
- User Action:
- If you encounter this message, please contact NCD Technical
PARAMNOTTABLE, line n: parameter parameter is not a table
- Severity:
- Error
- Explanation:
- The entry on the given line treats the specified parameter as if it
were a table when it is not.
- User Action:
- Re-enter the information using a simple statement: parameter =
valueX Server Messages
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X Server Messages
This chapter lists messages issued by modules of the X server. The following topics are covered in this chapter:
For more help in troubleshooting your terminal, refer to the NCDware System Administrator's Guide for UNIX Systems. Also refer to the Roadmap to see if information on the functional area you are having trouble with is available in other NCDware documents.